ECOWAS condemns “the coup attempt in Niger”

ECOWAS on Wednesday condemned an attempted coup in Niger and called on “the perpetrators of this act” to release President Mohamed Bazoum.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) condemned, on Wednesday July 26, in the strongest terms the “attempted coup in Niger” and called for the “immediate” release of the president. elected, the organization said in a statement.

“ECOWAS condemns in the strongest terms the attempt to seize power by force and calls on the putschists to immediately and unconditionally release the democratically elected President of the Republic”, according to the terms of the press release. “ECOWAS and the international community will hold all those who are involved in this act responsible for the security and safety of the president, his family, members of the government and the general public.”

The ECOWAS Commission condemns the attempted coup in Niger/ ECOWAS Commission condemns the attempted coup in Niger

Niger, plagued by jihadist violence in several parts of its territory, is led by democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum, in power since April 2021.

The history of this vast, poor and desert country is punctuated by coups.

Since the independence of this former French colony in 1960, there have been four: the first in April 1974 against President Diori Hamani, the last in February 2010 which overthrew President Mahamadou Tandja. Not to mention the numerous putsch attempts.

In its fight against the jihadists, Niger enjoys the support of several Western countries, including France and the United States, which have military bases there. Some 1,500 French soldiers are present in the country.


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