Here Europe – Karima Delli: “The message is very clear, there will be no environmental break”

The chairperson of the Transport and Tourism Committee in the European Parliament, MEP from the Green Group, Karima Delli welcomes the vote in the Strasbourg chamber on the nature restoration law. It also outlines the contours of tomorrow’s tourism, which should be more virtuous from an environmental point of view.

After an epic struggle, the Nature Restoration Act was adopted on 12 July at a plenary session of the European Parliament. This episode exposed a very divided political landscape, between those on the left and among the greens who want to preserve biodiversity by strengthening the famous Green Deal, and those on the right who are pleading for a legislative “pause” for, according to them, not to influence the activity of farmers and industrialists.

Karima Delli is happy with this victory. “The mobilization of our youth, NGOs and citizens, who believe that nature must take back its rights, has paid off.

The message is very clear: There will be no environmental break from European rules” . On the contrary, according to the MEP, the priority is the protection of diversity and the fight against global warming.

She recalls that the right wing, the extreme right wing and the Eurosceptics who were against the law wanted to express their tiredness of environmental regulations. They multiplied the fake news, such as the information that 10% of each farmer’s land would be frozen, while it is only a global measure on the whole earth.

She says she is relieved: “we need a timetable and precise targets,we cannot live, breathe or eat without nature. This law is a big pillar of the Green Pact, a strong signal “.

Climate advocacy and electoralism

According to her, MEP Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party and who was against this law, wants to flatter his electorate, often conservative, close to agribusiness lobbies and the most conservative farmers with in the viewfinder, the European elections.

Karima Delli fears an alliance of climate skeptics, eurosceptics and populists after the next European elections in 2024. She laments the disintegration of a Europe where women and men could unite across political divides in the face of crises. But for her, we must mobilize to oppose these forecasts and revalue the EU in a more ecological, more social and more democratic direction.

Karima Delli also talks about “overtourism” and pleads for a change in practice and mentality. “We need to regulate better,” she says. Regarding cruise ships, which are often condemned by the local population, she believes that “it is not normal that we should regulate these giants, which have an impact on the environment. They run on heavy fuel oil with a direct impact on human health via air pollution”

In addition, the legislation stipulates that these boats, which run empty on the quays, will do so on electrified quays. It is also necessary, according to the MEP, to lower the rotation frequency of these boats. “The size and gigantism of these floating islands are no longer suitable for tomorrow’s tourism.”

Climate, defence: the EU’s ambitions

In terms of air transport, the MEP is bringing forward legislation which allows for the use of 2% sustainable air fuel in 2025 and up to 70% in 2050. According to Karima Delli “we will not yet achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, but it is a first law, I hope that the next mandate will go even further. It also mentions another text on the optimization of flows in the common European sky, which would make it possible to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 10% in a year.

Finally, after the NATO summit, Karima Delli welcomes Sweden’s entry into the Atlantic alliance and the lifting of Turkey’s veto. Even if, according to her, this does not give permission for Turkey to blackmail into the EU.

The MEP also pleads for a European defence, “We need to put it in place in deeds, beyond words, and integrate the UK into it too. It takes courage, the war in Ukraine proves we have more time for blah blah” .

Program prepared by Isabelle Romero, Perrine Desplats, Sophie Samaille and Féodora Douplitzky-Lunati

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