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SEDO Somalia Conducts Training on Gender Mainstreaming in Relief Projects in Sanaag Region

Ceelbuh, Somalia – The Social Environmental Development Organization (SEDO) Somalia has successfully conducted a comprehensive training session in the city of Ceelbuh, Sanaag region, focusing on gender mainstreaming in relief projects. The initiative aimed to enhance the capacity of humanitarian workers and community leaders to integrate gender perspectives into emergency and development programs effectively. The training brought together representatives from local NGOs, government agencies, and community organizations to…

Statement on the Ankora Agreement

After reading the statement on the Ankora Agreement, I was able to identify the following key points bygathering additional information from stakeholders directly involved in the matter:.

SORDI’s Participation in the SMA Scientific Conference

On 5 th Dec 2024, the Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) participated in the first scientific conference of the Somali Medical Association, a landmark event for the Somali medical community. At the conference, SORDI presented pivotal research findings addressing critical health issues in Somalia. Among the key studies shared were:

Somalia has signed a security agreement with Uganda

Oct 13 (Jowhar)-Somalia and Uganda have recently signed a security agreement aimed at enhancing cooperation and collaboration in the fight against terrorism and other security threats in the region. The agreement was signed by Somali Defence Minister Hassan Ali Mohamed and his Ugandan counterpart, Adolf Mwesige, in the capital city of Mogadishu.

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