Madaxweyne Joe Biden oo cafis u fidiyay wiilkiisa Hunter
Dec 02 ( Jowhar) Madaxweynaha xilka kasii dagaya ee Mareykanka Joe Biden ayaa xalay sheegay in uu cafis u fidiyay wiilkiisa Hunter Biden, kaas oo wajahayay fal danbiyeedyo kala duwan.
White House Welcomes AIDS Memorial Quilt for the First Time
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden welcomed AIDS survivors, advocates, and families who have lost loved ones to the disease for a display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt at the White House. This marks the first time in its…
Biden Grants Pardon to Son Hunter Prior to Sentencing
US President Joe Biden announced that he has pardoned his son, Hunter Biden, who faced convictions for making false statements on a gun background check and illegally possessing a firearm, as well as pleading guilty to federal tax charges.
Trump Appoints Loyalist Kash Patel as FBI Chief
The president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, expressed his desire to appoint former National Security official and fervent loyalist Kash Patel as the leader of the FBI, indicating an intention to oust the bureau's current…
UN Plastic Negotiations Fail to Reach Agreement on Target Goals
Countries engaged in negotiations for a global treaty aimed at reducing plastic pollution were unable to reach a consensus, with over 100 nations advocating for limits on production, while a few oil-producing countries were only willing to…
Diyaaradaha Ruushka iyo kuwa Syria ayaa xoojiyay duqeymaha ay ku hayaan fallaagada Syria
Dec 01 ( Jowhar)-Diyaaradaha dagaalka ee Ruushka iyo kuwa Syria ayaa maalintii labaad galay magaalada Idlib ee ay gacanta ku hayaan fallaagada, duqeymaha xooggan ee ka socda waqooyiga Syria ayaa la doonayay in dib loogu riixo kooxaha…
Russian Missile Attack in Central Ukraine Claims Four Lives, Reports Zelensky
A missile strike by Russia on a town in Ukraine's central Dnipropetrovsk region resulted in the deaths of at least four individuals, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Israeli Military Conducts Strikes Against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon
The Israeli military announced it conducted strikes against Hezbollah, citing activities in southern Lebanon that constituted a threat just days into a ceasefire.
Ciidamo kale oo ka tirsan Jubbaland oo u goostay dhanka ciidanka dowladda ee Raaskambooni
Dec 01 ( Jowhar)Muuqaal lagu Telefishinka Qaranka Soomaaliya ayaa muujinaya ciidamo saaran ilaa afar doonyood oo lagu sheegay inay ka mid yihiin kuwa Jubaland oo ku soo biiray ciidamada qalabka sida ee dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee ku…
Syria War Monitor Reports Rebels Hold Majority of Aleppo
Jihadist-led rebels have captured Aleppo's airport and numerous surrounding towns after taking control of most of Syria's second-largest city, according to a war monitor.