Fallaagada Syria oo qabsaday inta badan Xalab, una ruqaansaday dhanka Xama
Dec 01 ( Jowhar)Kumanaan ka mid ah fallaagada Syria ayaa Sabtidii la wareegay inta badan magaalada Xalab, iyaga oo fariisimo ka sameystay meelo ay ka mid yihiin saldhigyada waaweyn iyo garoonka diyaaradaha.
Moscow Police Conduct Raids on Bars in Response to ‘LGBT Propaganda’ Claims
Authorities in Moscow have conducted raids at several bars and apprehended the head of a travel agency catering to the gay community, according to reports from state media regarding laws that penalize "LGBT propaganda."
New European Commission Enters Amidst a Divided EU
Amid the turmoil surrounding Ursula von der Leyen's pursuit of a second term, she and the newly appointed European Commission secured a solid majority in Strasbourg on Wednesday: 370 votes in favor, 282 against, with 36 abstentions.
Insights into the Syrian Rebels’ Major Offensive in Aleppo: What We Know
This week, rebel forces opposing President Bashar al-Assad have initiated their largest offensive in years, seizing control of a majority of Aleppo, Syria's second city, as reported by a monitoring group.
North Korea and Russia Commit to Strengthening Military Cooperation
Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov held discussions with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, agreeing to enhance military collaboration between their two reclusive nations, according to North Korean state media.
Madaxweyne Ruto oo sheegay inuu isu keenayo Xasan Sheekh iyo Abiye si loo xaliyo xiisadda Badda
Nov 30 ( Jowhar) Madaxweynaha Kenya, William Ruto oo maanta la wareegay shir -guddoonka ururka bulshada Bariga Afrika ayaa khudbadiisa ku soo daray in hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaaliya, Itoobiya, Kenya iyo Uganda ay yeelan doonaan kulan xal…
Dowladda Soomaaliya oo amartay in Xildhibaan Xasan Firinbi uusan ka dhoofi karin garoonka Aden Cadde
Nov 30 ( Jowhar) Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde dhigtay amar saraakiisha garoonka loogu sheegayo inuusan ka dhoofi karin Xildhibaan Xasan Firinbi oo ah mudane ka tirsan golaha shacabka ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.
Israeli Airstrikes Claim Lives of 32 Palestinians in Gaza, According to Medical Sources
At least 32 Palestinians have lost their lives in Israeli military strikes throughout Gaza overnight and into this morning, with the majority of the casualties reported in northern regions, according to medics.Among those who perished, at…
Taangiyada Israel aya ka baxeen Bartamaha Gaza xalay dilayna 30 qof
Nov 30 ( Jowhar)-Duqeymaha milatari ee Israel ayaa sababay dhimashada ugu yaraan 30 falastiiniyiin ah Marinka Qaza habeenimadii xalay, gaar ahaan xerada Nuseirat ee ku taal bartamaha gobolka, sida laga soo xigtay ilo caafimaad.
Medics Confirm 30 Casualties as Israeli Tanks Withdraw from Central Gaza
Israeli military strikes resulted in the deaths of at least 30 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip overnight, primarily in the Nuseirat camp located in the heart of the enclave, according to medical sources. This followed a withdrawal of some…