Israeli Forces Prevent Lebanese Residents from Returning to Southern Region
Residents of Lebanon are currently forbidden from traveling south to a line of villages and their adjacent areas until further notice, as stated by Israeli military spokesperson Avichay Adraee.
Russia Sentences Lawyer to 7 Years for Criticizing Ukraine Offensive
A senior lawyer who represented a jailed journalist in a prominent case has been sentenced to seven years in prison in Russia for criticizing Moscow's military operations in Ukraine on social media.
Thousands Gather in Georgia Following PM’s Delay of EU Application
In Tbilisi, Georgian riot police used tear gas and water cannons against protesters opposing the government's decision to postpone its pursuit of European Union membership, as reported by AFP journalists.
Australian Police Officer Convicted of Manslaughter for Taser Incident Involving 95-Year-Old Woman
An Australian law enforcement officer has been convicted of the manslaughter of a 95-year-old woman, who succumbed to injuries inflicted when he tasered her during an incident at a nursing home.
Groundbreaking Treatment for Severe Asthma Attacks After 50 Years is a ‘Game-Changer’
A new method for addressing serious asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) attacks may be a "game-changer" and represents the first significant advancement in treatment in 50 years, according to researchers.
17 Casualties Reported in Israeli Airstrikes in Central Gaza, According to Medics
This morning, Israeli military strikes have resulted in the deaths of at least 17 Palestinians across Gaza, according to medical sources, as forces intensified their bombardments in central areas and advanced tanks further into the north…
Salaam Somali Bank oo ku Guulaysatay Bangiga ugu Fiican Soomaaliya ee xaga Tayada Adeegga iyo…
Nov 28 ( Jowhar)Waxaa shaki ku jirin dadaalka Bunuugta Islaamiga iyo doorka ay ka qaataan adeega bulshooyinka kala duwan ee Islaamka. Qiimaynta Maaliyadda Islaamku maanta waxy u dhigantaa $3.9 trillion oo ku baahsan in ka badan 80 wadan…
Israel and Lebanon Report Ceasefire Violation Hours After Agreement
Israel has announced that the ceasefire with Hezbollah was violated shortly after Lebanese security sources reported that Israeli tanks targeted six areas in southern Lebanon, raising doubts about a truce that had been established following…
Jubaland oo shaacisay iney xiriirkii u jartay dowladda Soomaaliya
Nov 28 ( Jowhar) Go’aan ka soo baxay Golaha Wasiirada Jubbaland ayaa si rasmi ah loogu shaacisay in Jubbaland ay joojisay xiriirkii iyo wada shaqayntii kala dhaxaysay Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo ku eedaysay inay ku tumatay…
Xagguu ku dhammaan doonaa Khilaafka Xasan Sheekh iyo Axmed Madoobe?
Nov 28 ( Jowhar) Ciyaarta siyaasadeed ee u dhexeysa Jubaland iyo DFS, waxay go’aamin doonta jiho u yeelidda dowladnimada Soomaaliya. Haddii sida uu wax u qorsheeyay Axmed Madoobe u dhacaan, waxa ay noqon doonaan Maamul Goboleedyada…