Taliyaha ciidanka booliska oo Isbitaalka Madiino ku boqoday askari ay dhaawac u geysteen…
Nov 27 ( Jowhar)Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed Sarreeye Guuto Asad Cusmaan Diyaano ayaa Isbitaalka Madiina ku booqday askari ka tirsan Ciidanka Booliska oo maanta dhib ka soo gaaray gacan qaad ay u geysteen qaar ka tirsan…
Social Media Companies Voice Concerns Over Australia’s U-16 Ban
Google and Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, have urged the Australian government to postpone a bill that aims to prohibit most forms of social media for children under 16, arguing that more time is required to evaluate…
UK Woman Sentenced to Seven Years in Jail for Keeping Child in Drawer
A woman in England has been sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison after keeping her baby in a drawer beneath her bed until the child was discovered just weeks before her third birthday.The little girl, found at the family's home in…
Wasiir Biixi oo shir looga hadlayo Sare u qaadidda dakhliga gudaha ka furay Muqdisho
Nov 27 ( Jowhar)Wasiirka Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Biixi Iimaan Cige ayaa maanta magaalada Muqdishu si rasmi uga furay shir heerkiisu sareeyo oo lagaga arrinsanayo qorshaha gaaritaanka Heshiis Bulsho iyo Sare u…
Jaamacadda SIMAD oo kaalmaha hore ka gashay jaamacadaha ugu sareeya dalalka Sub-Sahara Afrika
Nov 27 ( Jowhar)Jaamacadda SIMAD oo kamid ah Jaamacadaha ugu faca weyn ee ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho ayaa guul taariikhi ah ka keentay qiimeyn lagu sameynayay Jaamacadaha ugu tayada wanaagsan ee dalalka Saxaraha ka hooseeya.
Baarlamaanka oo ansixiyay guddiga doorashooyinka, xili buuq xooggan…….
Nov 27 ( Jowhar) Xildhibaanada labada aqal ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo maanta yeeshay kulan ayaa ansixiyay Guddiga Madaxa Bannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka iyo Soohdimaha.
Ceasefire Between Israel and Hezbollah Takes Effect as Civilians Return to Southern Lebanon
A ceasefire between Israel and the Iran-supported group Hezbollah has come into effect following an agreement facilitated by the US and France, marking a rare diplomatic achievement in a region that has endured conflict for over a year.
Israel iyo Xisbullah oo gaaray heshiis xabad joojin ah
Nov 27 ( Jowhar)Israa’iil iyo Xisbullah ayaa Talaadadi shalay gaaray heshiis xabbad joojin ah oo dhaqan-galaya maanta oo Arbacada ah, sidaasi waxaa xaqiijiyay madaxweynaha Mareykanka Joe Biden.
Oldest Man in the World Passes Away at 112 Years Old
The oldest man in the world has passed away at the age of 112.Born in Liverpool on 26 August 1912, John Tinniswood became the world's oldest living man in April.He passed away yesterday at his care home in Southport, Merseyside, "surrounded…
McGrath Names Knab-Lunny as Chief of Staff for New Team
The newly appointed Irish EU Commissioner Michael McGrath has chosen an Irish woman working in EU institutions to lead his new team just before the European Parliament approves the new Commission.