Booliska Soomaaliya oo si adag uga hadlay dagalkii shalay ka dhacay magaalada Kismaayo
Nov 24 ( Jowhar) Taliska ciidanka booliska Soomaaliyeed ayaa si kulul uga hadlay shaqaaqadii shalay la dhacday magaalada Kismaayo, halkaasoo ay ku dagaalameen ciidanka Jubaland iyo kuwo ilaalo u ahaa Senator Ilyaas Gaboose.
For the First Time, Finance Takes Center Stage at COP
The COP29 climate talks held in Baku marked the 29th occasion in 32 years for nations worldwide to convene and discuss strategies to address climate change.For the first time in history, climate finance stood out as the primary focus on the…
Israel’s Airstrikes Result in Dozens of Fatalities in Gaza Within 48 Hours, According to…
Israeli military strikes across Gaza have resulted in the deaths of at least 120 Palestinians over the past 48 hours, including an attack on a hospital at the northern edge of the enclave that injured medical personnel and damaged…
Developing Countries Slam COP29 Agreement as Inadequate
At the COP29 summit held in Azerbaijan, countries reached a $300 billion (€288bn) annual global finance target to assist poorer nations in dealing with the impacts of climate change. However, this deal was criticized by its intended…
ATMIS oo si lama filaan ah uga hadashay xiisadda Jubaland iyo dowladda federaalka
Nov 24 ( Jowhar) War qoraal ah oo ay soo saareen ciidamada ATMIS ee Soomaaliya ka hawlgala ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka war heleen eedo loo jeediyay, kuwaas oo ku aadan ku lug lahaashahooda muran xooggan oo salka kui haya doorashooyinka…
Isra’il oo 20 qof ku dishay qarax ka dhacay magaalada Beyrut
Nov 24 ( Jowhar) Isra’il ayaa Sabtidi shalay sii wadday duqeymaha dhinaca cirka ah oo ay bilihi dhawaa ka wadday dalka Lubnan, iyadoo qaraxi shalay oo lagu tilmaamay mid ka mid ah kuwi ugu cuslaa lala beegsaday bartamaha caasimadda Beyrut.
Venezuela Launches Treason Investigation into Opposition Leader
Prosecutors in Venezuela have initiated a treason investigation against opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, as stated in an announcement, claiming that she has supported US sanctions aimed at President Nicolas Maduro following his…
Is Donald Trump Poised to Undermine the United Nations?
In 2001, a New York real estate developer met with the then-secretary general of the United Nations to discuss improvements to the UN's headquarters in midtown Manhattan.The UN was considering a $1.2 billion initiative to modernise the…
Laos Government Expresses Deep Sadness Over Tourist Poisoning Fatalities
The government of Laos has expressed that it is "profoundly saddened" by the tragic loss of foreign tourists in Vang Vieng, with the number of deaths from a suspected methanol poisoning incident rising to six.
Gaza Health Ministry Reports Hospitals Will Reduce Services in ’48 Hours’
The health ministry in Gaza, controlled by Hamas, has issued a dire warning that all hospitals in the region could cease operations or drastically cut services "within 48 hours" due to a lack of fuel, attributing the situation to Israel's…