Madaxweyne Xasan oo Cabdi raxmaan Cirro ugu baaqay inuu sii wado wadahadalada
Nov 19 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hambalyo u diray Madaxweynaha la doortay Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi (Cirro) iyo ku xigeenkiisa Mudane Maxamed Aw-Cali Cabdi.
Wararkii u danbeeyay Gargaar loo waday Falastiiniyiinta Qasa oo la bililiqaystay
Nov 19 (Jowhar)-kolonyo ay la socdeen 109 baabuur oo gargaar cunno ah siday ayaa si xun loogu dhacay Sabtidii la soo dhaafay, sida ay sheegtay hay’adda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan qaxootiga Falastiin ee Unrwa.
Lebanon Reports Five Fatalities from Israeli Strike in Central Beirut
A recent Israeli airstrike has resulted in the deaths of five individuals in central Beirut, according to Lebanon's health ministry. This marks the second consecutive day that Israel has targeted locations within the capital as it…
Cabdiraxmaan Cirro oo ku guuleystay doorashadii madaxtinimo ee Somaliland
Nov 19 (Jowhar)-Guddiga Doorashooyinka Somaliland ayaa ku dhawaaqay in madaxweyne-nimada SL uu ku guuleystay Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi Cirro.
Almost 100 Food Aid Trucks Looted in Gaza, Report UN Agencies
Almost 100 trucks loaded with food for Palestinians were brutally looted after their arrival in Gaza, marking one of the most significant aid losses during the 13 months of conflict in the region where hunger continues to escalate,…
Kremlin Accuses Biden Administration of Intensifying Conflict in Ukraine
Russia has stated that if the United States permits Ukraine to launch US missiles into Russian territory, this would signify direct US involvement in the conflict, claiming that President Joe Biden's administration is escalating the war.
Poland Indicates No Consensus on EU’s Suspension of Dialogue with Israel
European Union foreign ministers failed to reach a consensus on suspending political dialogue with Israel during a meeting in Brussels, as reported by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski.
Weapons Supplied to Ukraine by Western Nations: A Comprehensive Overview
The United States has granted Ukraine permission to utilize US-made armaments, such as ATACMS rockets with a striking range of up to 306km, for operations deep within Russian territory, according to two US officials and a source familiar…
Trump nominates tech skeptic Carr to head US communications agency
US President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Republican Brendan Carr, a critic of big tech backed by Elon Musk, to head the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), labeling him a "warrior for free speech" in an official statement.
Mareykanka ayaa Ukraine ogoladaay gantalada 300km ku garacan bartilmaameedyada gudaha Ruushka
Nov 18 (Jowhar)-Maamulka Biden ee Mareykanka ayaa Ukraine u fasaxay inay u adeegsadaan hubka Mareykanka lagu sameeyo duqeymaha ka socda gudaha Ruushka, taasoo calaamad u ah isbedel muuqda oo ku yimid mowqifkiisa ku saabsan colaadda Ukraine…