NISA oo gacanta ku dhigtay xubno Shabaab u qaabilsanaa Isbitaalada iyo Daryeelka Bukaanada
Nov 16 (Jowhar)-Ciidanka haya’adda Nabad Sugida iyo sirdoonka qaranka ee NISA ayaa gacanku soo dhigay laba dhagar qabe oo u qaabilsanaa dhanka Isbitaalada iyo daryeelka bukaanada Khawaarijta.
Sh Shariif iyo CC Warsame oo warbaahinta isugu yeeray iyo go’aani culus oo…..
Nov 16 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xildhibaan Shariif Sheikh Axmed iyo Hoggaamiyaha Xisbiga Wadajir Xildhibaan C/raxmaan C/shakuur ayaa goordhow shir jaraa’id ku qabanaya Muqdisho, kaasoo Warbaahinta looga yeeray.
Xildhibaanada oo ansixiyay xeerka dhismaha guddiga madaxa-banaan ee Doorashooyinka
Nov 16 (Jowhar)-Xildhibaanada labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo maanta xarunta Villa Hargeysa kulan wadajir ah ku yeeshay ayaa ansixiyay xeerka dhismaha guddiga madaxa-banaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka iyo…
Trump Exerts Pressure on US Senate with Controversial Cabinet Selections
As the United States awaits announcements for additional significant positions, including the heads of the FBI and Treasury, questions - and, for many, outrage - have surged regarding several of President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet…
Elon Musk oo dhex dhexaadin u bilaabay Mareykanka iyo Iiran
Nov 16 (Jowhar)-Elon Musk, bilyaneerka sida aadka ah ugu dhow madaxweynaha la doortay ee Mareykanka Donald Trump, ayaa la kulmay safiirka Iran u fadhiya Qaramada Midoobay si uu u qaboojiyo xiisadda u dhaxeysa Tehran iyo Washington, waxaa…
UN Official Declares Gaza Aid Access ‘At Its Lowest Point’
Access to aid in Gaza is currently at a critical low, with deliveries to the besieged northern regions of the enclave nearly impossible, according to a UN humanitarian official.
Al Gore Criticizes Fossil Fuel Industry in Passionate Address at COP29
Former US Vice President Al Gore delivered a passionate address at the COP29 summit in Baku, criticizing the fossil fuel industry and stating that industry officials are "much more skilled at influencing politicians than at reducing…
Tragedy Strikes: 10 Residents Perish in Spanish Care Home Fire
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed his "shock over the tragedy" following reports that a fire claimed the lives of 10 individuals at a facility for the elderly and those with mental health conditions in northeastern Spain.
MEPs Endorse Sanctions Targeting Russia’s ‘Shadow Fleet’
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have approved targeted sanctions against Russia's so-called shadow fleet of oil tankers, which enables Moscow to export significant amounts of crude oil and petroleum products despite sanctions…
Brother of Mohamed Al Fayed Allegedly Linked to Sexual Violence Claims
According to three former employees, one of Mohamed Al Fayed's brothers has also been accused of abusing women who worked at the prestigious Harrods department store in the UK.