Implications of Trump’s Support for Israel on the Gaza Conflict
Benjamin Netanyahu has previously referred to Donald Trump as the best ally Israel has ever had in the White House.
Madaxweyne Lafta Gareen oo safiirka Sweden kulan kula yeeshay magaalada Nairobi
Nov 11 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed Laftagareen ayaa Magaalada Narobia ee Caasimada Dalka Kenya kulan kula qaatay Danjiraha Dowladda Sweden ufadhiya Soomaaliya Amb Joachim Waern oo ay ka wada…
COP29 Delegates Warn: Climate Finance Should Not Be Viewed as ‘Charity’
The UN's climate chief has stated at the 29th annual UN Climate negotiations in Baku that climate finance is "not a charity."The 29th annual UN Climate negotiations, featuring nearly 200 countries, are currently taking place in Azerbaijan.
Madaxweyne Xasan oo maanta ka qeyb galaya shirka madaxda dalalka Islaamka iyo Carabta ee Riyad
Nov 11 (Jowhar)-Sida lagu daabacay barta Facebook ee madaxtooyada Soomaaliya, madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo wafti la socda ayaa gaaray magaalada Riyad ee dalka Sacuudiga.
Germany’s Scholz Indicates Willingness to Conduct Confidence Vote This Year
Germany's beleaguered Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced his willingness to request a confidence vote this year, potentially setting the stage for snap elections.
Xubno kamid ah guddiga joogtada ee golaha shacabka oo ka horyimid guddiga KMG-ka ee doorashhada loo…
Nov 11 (Jowhar)-Illaa 10 xubnood oo ka mid ah 15-ka Guddoomiye ee Guddiga Joogtada Golaha Shacabka ayaa ka hor yimid guddiga kumeel-gaarka ah ee ay magacaabeen guddoomiyaasha labada Aqal.
Many apprehended for violating protest ban in Amsterdam
Dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested by Dutch police in Amsterdam after they ignored a ban on protests, which was enforced following violent confrontations between Israeli football fans and local youth.
Taliyaha Guud ee Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee Sucuudiga oo wada hadal ku yeelanaya Iran
Nov 11 (Jowhar)-Taliyaha guud ee ciidamada qalabka sida ee Sacuudiga Fayyad al-Ruwaili ayaa lagu wadaa in uu booqdo Tehran si uu wadahadal ula yeesho dhiggiisa Iran oo ku saabsan iskaashiga dhanka difaaca, sida uu sheegay taliska guud ee…
General Odowa who is again appointed as the commander of the country’s armed forces
Nov 10 (Jowhar) - The Council of Ministers of the XFS is expected to re-appoint the Commander of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Yusuf Raagge.
California Wildfire Claims Over 130 Homes as Winds Die Down
At least 130 homes have been lost due to a wildfire sweeping through the outskirts of Los Angeles, as a change in the weather provided firefighters with a window to combat the blaze.