Lebanon Reports 20 Casualties from Israeli Strike Near Beirut
Lebanon's health ministry reported that an Israeli airstrike resulted in the deaths of 20 individuals, including three children, in the village of Almat, situated north of Beirut's capital.
Axmed Madoobe oo kulan gaar ah la qaatay xildhibaanada labada aqal ee ku sugan Kismaayo
Nov 10 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jubbaland ayaa maanta kulan wadatashi ah kula qaatay Xarunta Madaxtooyada Kismaayo Xildhibaannada labada Aqal ee BFS ee deegaan doorashadooda tahay Jubbaland.
Gaza Rescuers Report 30 Fatalities, Including 13 Children, from Israeli Airstrikes
The civil defense agency in Gaza has reported that 30 individuals, including 13 children, were killed due to Israeli airstrikes on two residential homes in the northern region of the Palestinian territory.
Baarlamaanka Jubaland oo ansixiyay guddiga madaxa banaan ee xuduudaha iyo doorashooyinka
Nov 10 (Jowhar)-Baarlamaanka Jubbaland ayaa goordhow ansixiyay Guddiga Madaxa Bannaan ee Xuduudaha iyo doorashooyinka Jubbaland oo uu xalay soo magacaabay Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe.
Qatar oo ku dhawaaqday iney joojisay wadahadaladii ay ka dhex waday Israel iyo Xamaas
Nov 10 (Jowhar)-Dowladda Qatar ayaa Sabtidi shalay ku dhawaaqday in ay hakisay dowrki ay ku laheyd dhexdhexaadinta wadahadallada muhiimka ah ee lagu rabay in xabad joojin lagu kala dhex dhigo Isra’il iyo Xamaas, si loo soo afjaro dagaalka…
Boeing to Stand Trial in Civil Case Related to 2019 MAX Crash
The troubled aviation behemoth Boeing is poised to face another challenge next week as it enters a civil trial concerning the Ethiopian Airlines crash from March 2019, which resulted in the loss of 157 lives.
Dowladda Soomaaliya oo sharci darro ku tilmaantay guddiga doorasho uu magacaabay Axmed Madoobe
Nov 10 (Jowhar)-Dawladda Federaalka ayaa sheegtay in aysan waxba kajirin guddigii doorasho ee uu magacaabay xalay MW Jubbaland oo uu sharci darro yahay, waxayna sheegtay in aysan aqbalsaneyn doorasho kasta oo ay JL gaar u qabsato.
Democrats Face Declining Representation and Support Among Their Base
Experiencing loss is never easy. Being consistently reminded of it can be exceptionally harsh.As the media and political strategists departed from Washington Dulles International Airport, unsettling reminders of a challenging week lingered…
Trump and the EU: A Multidimensional Perspective
This week's meeting in Budapest starkly highlighted the unease spreading across Europe as Donald Trump secured victory in the US.The timing and setting were significant.
Iran calls on Trump to revise ‘maximum pressure’ strategy
Iran has expressed a willingness to engage with Donald Trump, urging the president-elect to consider adopting new policies toward the country following accusations from the US regarding Iran's involvement in a purported plot to assassinate…