Axmed Madoobe oo soo magacaabay guddiga doorashooyinka iyo xuduudaha Jubaland
Nov 09 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe ayaa goordhow magacaabay Guddiga Doorashooyinka iyo Xuduudaha Jubbaland oo ka kooban 7 xubnood.
Germany Commemorates 35 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Germany commemorates 35 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall with celebrations commencing today under the theme "Preserve Freedom!" amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where concerns about democracy being under siege are rising.
Somali government said that Ethiopia has been excluded from the new AUSSOM mission
Nov 09 (Jowhar) - The Minister of Defense of Somalia, Abdulqadir Mohamed Noor, said that the Ethiopian forces have been officially excluded from the new operation of the African Union forces, which will begin in Somalia in early 2025.
Conspiracist Linked to Manchester Arena Bombing Required to Pay £45,000
Two victims of a bombing that claimed 22 lives at the end of an Ariana Grande concert in England seven years ago have been awarded £45,000 in damages after successfully pursuing legal action against a conspiracy theorist who alleged that…
Dowladda Soomaaliya oo sheegtay in Itoobiya laga saaray howlgalka cusub AUSSOM
Nov 09 (Jowhar)-Wasiirka Difaaca Soomaaliya Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Nuur ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Itoobiya si rasmi ah looga reebay howlgalka cusub ee ciidamada ka socda dalalka Midowga Afrika kaas oo Soomaaliya ka bilaabanaya horraanta…
24 qof oo ku dhimatay qarax ka dhacay dalka Pakistan
Nov 09 (Jowhar)-Booliska Pakistan ayaa sheegay in ugu yaraan 24 qof ay ku dhinteen qarax ka dhacay goob tareenada laga raaco oo ku taal gobolka Balochistan ee dalka Pakistan.
Notre Dame Bells Resound Again for the First Time Since the 2019 Fire
The bells of Notre Dame in Paris rang out this morning for the first time since the devastating fire in 2019 that struck the historic cathedral.
Trump’s Election Intensifies EU’s Drive for Competitiveness
The ambition of the European Union to enhance its competitiveness and catch up with competitors like the United States and China has taken on renewed importance following Donald Trump's election victory, Mario Draghi has remarked, as…
Mareykanka oo fashiliyay qorshe lagu damacsanaa in lagu dilo madaxweyne Trump
Nov 09 (Jowhar)-Waaxda Caddaaladda Mareykanka ayaa Jimcihi shalay shaaca ka qaadday, qorshe ay sheegtay in ay Iran soo maleegtay kaas oo ay ku rabtay in ay ku khaarijiso madaxweynaha la doortay ee Mareykanka Donald Trump, ka hor iyo kaddib…
UNIFIL: Israel’s Destruction of Property Violates International Law
The peacekeeping mission of the United Nations in southern Lebanon has stated that the Israeli military's actions amount to "deliberate and direct destruction" of its assets, constituting a "flagrant violation" of international law.