Hezbollah Chief Claims ‘Tens of Thousands’ of ‘Trained’ Soldiers Prepared to…
The leader of Hezbollah has declared that his organization has tens of thousands of fighters prepared for combat, stating that no area in Israel is off-limits for attacks.
Afartan qof oo lagu dilay duqeymo Israel ay ka geysatay dalka Lubnaan
Nov 07 (Jowhar)-Sida ay xaqiijisay Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Lubnan, ugu yaraan 40 qof ayaa lagu dilay duqeymo ay ciidamada Isra’il Arbacadi shalay ku garaaceen magaalada Baclabak ee ku taalla Dooxada Beqaa cee dalka lubnan.
Republicans Gain Control of US Senate and Expand Their Presence in the House
Republicans have secured control of the US Senate following victories in Montana, Ohio, and West Virginia, assuring that Donald Trump's party will lead at least one chamber of Congress in the upcoming year.
Cuba’s Power Grid Fails Amid Hurricane Rafael’s Fury
Cuba's national electrical grid has experienced a collapse as Hurricane Rafael struck the island's southwest coast, bringing sustained winds of 185 km/h and wreaking havoc on the already crisis-ridden nation.
Economy Takes a Toll on Harris Amid Trump’s Victory Claims
Donald Trump made his entrance onto the stage at the Palm Beach watch party shortly after 2:20 AM local time, joined by his family and key political allies while Lee Greenwood's song 'God Bless the USA' played, a staple at Trump events.
Why Israel’s Ousted Defense Minister Gallant Lost Netanyahu’s Favor
Yoav Gallant, the ousted defence minister of Israel, is a former general who played a significant role in shaping the military strategy against Hamas in Gaza. However, he fell out of favour with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding…
Madaxweyne Xasan oo ka qeyb galay shirka maalgashiga Jarmalka iyo Afrika
Nov 06(Jowhar) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ka qeybgalay Shirka Maalgashiga Jarmalka iyo Afrika ayaa soo bandhigay fursadaha maalgashi ee ka jira dalkeenna iyo dadaallada dowladda ee…
Madaxweyne Xasan oo hambalyo u diray Madaxweynaha Cusub ee Mareykanka
Nov 06 (Jowhar)- Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hambalyo u diray dhiggiisa dalka Mareykanka, kaas oo ku guuleystay doorashadaka dhacday dalkaasi.
Trump oo ku guuleystay doorashada Mareykanka
Nov 06 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynihii hore ee Mareykanka Donald Trump ayaa mar kale dib loogu doortay xilkaas, kadib doorasho adag oo shalay ka dhacday dalka, isaga oo ka guuleystay madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Mareykanka Kamala Harris.
Russian Missile Strike in Zaporizhzhia Leaves Six Dead and 20 Injured
A missile strike by Russian forces on the southeastern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia resulted in the deaths of six individuals, left at least 20 others injured, and led to the destruction of an essential infrastructure facility, according…