Eight Individuals Face Trial in France for 2020 Teacher Beheading Case
The father of a French student whose description of the use of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad in a free speech class contributed to the teacher’s tragic murder is currently on trial, facing charges of association with a terrorist…
Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamsa oo magacaabay Wasiir ku xigeen iyo Wasiiru Dowle
Nov 04 (Jowhar)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa magacaabay xilal ay baneeyeen Wasiiru dowlihii wasaarada qorsheynga,maalgashiga iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha iyo wasiir ku xigeenkii…
Fresh Rainfall Hits Spain While Flood Rescue Operations Continue
Rescue teams ventured into flooded garages to search for victims from Spain's deadliest floods in a generation, as renewed rainfall led to transport disruptions in the northeastern region of Catalonia.
Iran oo xukun dil toogasho ah ku fulisay muwaadin Yuhuudi ah
Nov 04 (Jowhar)-Iran ayaa Isniinta maanta ah dil toogasho ah ku fulisay xubin ka mid ah bulshada Yuhuudda ee laga tirada badan yahay ee dalkaas, kaasi oo lagu helay dambi dil ah, sida uu sheegay urur aan dowli aheyn, xilli ay sare u sii…
EU Celebrates Re-election of Pro-European Leader in Moldova
The European Union has expressed its support for the re-election of Moldova's pro-European President Maia Sandu, following a contentious vote that has highlighted the schisms in the former Soviet nation neighboring Ukraine, which is…
Volcano Eruption in Indonesia Claims Lives of Over 10 Individuals
A volcano in eastern Indonesia erupted overnight, resulting in the deaths of at least ten individuals as it released fireballs and ash onto nearby villages, according to officials, who have since elevated its alert status to the maximum…
Qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanada Jubaland ku metela baarlamaanka oo u duulay magaalada Kismaayo
Nov 04 (Jowhar)-Garoonka diyaaradaha Aden Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho waxaa saaka ka duushay laba diyaaradood oo ay saaran yihiin xildhibaano ka tirsan labada aqal ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo kusii jeeda magaalada Kismaayo.
31 Falastiiniyiin ah oo lagu dilay duqeymo ka dhacay marinka Gaza
Nov 04 (Jowhar)-Saraakiisha caafimaadka Falastiin ayaa sheegay, in duqeymo ay ciidamada Isra’il Axaddii shalay ka fuliyeen Marinka Gaza lagu dilay 31 Falastiiniyiin ah.
Harris Urges Caution as Trump Promotes Violent Rhetoric
Democrat Kamala Harris made her final appeal for the presidency at a historically Black church and to Arab Americans in key battleground Michigan, while her Republican contender Donald Trump resorted to violent rhetoric at a rally in…
Spanish King Curtails Visit to Flood-Stricken Town After Encountering Mudslide
Hundreds of residents from a suburb in Valencia that was severely affected by last week's catastrophic floods protested during a visit from Spanish King Felipe, Queen Letizia, and Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, with some individuals throwing…