Iran Promises ‘Overwhelming Retaliation’ Against Israeli Attacks
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has promised to respond to the assaults by Israel and its ally, the United States, which are aimed at Iran and its affiliated groups in the region.
Wasiirkii labaad ee ka tirsan xukuumada Xamse oo is casilay
Nov 03 (Jowhar)-Wasiir kuxigeenkii Wasaaradda Waxbarashada XFS oo is casilay, kana soo jeeday Jubbaland, Mr Daqare ayaa isku casilay sabab la xariirta in DFS qorsheysay duulaan ka dhan ah dawlad gobaleedka uu kasoo jeedo.
Booliska Kenya oo gacanta kusoo dhigay ninka loo heysto dilka sadeex Soomaali oo isku qoys ah
Nov 03 (Jowhar)-Booliska Kenya ayaa shaaciyay inay gacanta ku dhigeen ninkii ka dambeeyay dilka saddex qof oo isku qoys ahaa oo dhowaan ka dhacay magaalada Nairobi.
Satellite Images Reveal Spain’s Devastation: Before and After Comparison
Recent satellite imagery of Spain's Valencia region reveals the extent of the devastation caused by the recent flooding.The visuals, captured by commercial earth imaging provider Planet Labs, were taken following Tuesday's massive storm,…
Wasiir ka tirsan xukuumadda Xamse oo isu casilay khilaafka DF ee Jubaland iyo Puntland
Nov 03 (Jowhar)-Wararka ka imanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Wasiiru Dowlihii wasaaradda Qorsheynta xukuumada Soomaaliya C/rashiid Jire uu iska casilay xilkiisa.
Moldova Faces High-Stakes Vote on Its EU Aspirations
Moldovans are heading to the polls for a tense presidential election runoff that could significantly influence the country's European ambitions, amid concerns about potential Russian interference.
WHO Reports Six Injured in Strike on Gaza Polio Vaccination Center
The World Health Organization reported that six individuals, including four children, were injured in an attack on a polio vaccination center in northern Gaza.
NISA oo sheegtay iney howlgal ku dishay 27 Shabaab ah
Nov 03 (Jowhar)-Horjoogayaal iyo maleeshiyaad Shabaab ah oo gaaraya 27 xubnood ayaa lagu dilay tiro kalana waa lagu dhaawacay howlgal Ciidanka Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabad Sugidda Qaranka ee NISA ay ka sameeyeen deegaanka Yaaqle ee Gobalka…
Mareykanka oo diyaaradihiisa dagaalka ee B-52 geeyay Bariga Dhex
Nov 03 (Jowhar)-Diyaaradaha dagaalka Mareykanka ee loo yaqaanno B-52 bombers ayaa Sabtidi shalay gaaray Bariga Dhexe, maalin kaddib marki ay Washington ku dhawaaqday in qalabkaasi milltari ay direyso, tallaabadan oo ah digniin ku socota…
Valencia Residents Plead for Military Assistance While Appreciating Volunteer Efforts
Residents and volunteers from the Valencia region are urging greater assistance from the military as well as regional and national governments to address the damage and destruction inflicted by the devastating floods that have inundated…