UN Warns North Gaza in ‘Apocalyptic’ Conditions, Everyone Facing ‘Imminent…
The circumstances in northern Gaza are described as "apocalyptic" as Israel carries out a military campaign against Hamas militants in the region, a warning from top United Nations officials indicates.
The Significance of North Korean Troops in Russia: An Analysis
Beginning in mid-October, Ukrainian authorities alerted the global community about the deployment of North Korean troops to Russia.
US Election: Women’s Issues Take Center Stage as Female Voter Impact Intensifies
Today, tens of thousands of individuals are anticipated to rally across the United States in support of US Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential bid.
Spain’s Flooding Death Toll Reaches 211 Amid Major Troop Deployment for Rescue Operations
Rescuers have resumed their somber search for bodies as Spain hastily organized aid for affected citizens following catastrophic floods that have claimed over 200 lives.
Baarlamaanka oo aqbalay in mudo bil ah dib loo dhigo fasoxooda
Nov 02 (Jowhar)-Xildhibaannada labada Aqal ayaa si aqlabiyad leh u ansixiyay codsiga Madaxweynaha ee ahaa in muddo bil ah dib loo dhigo fasaxa Baarlamaanka, si muddadaas lagu ansixiyo shuruucdii dalka ku hoggaamin laheyd doorasho qof iyo…
Madaxweyne Xasan oo maanta hortagaya baarlamaanka Soomaaliya
Nov 02 (Jowhar)-Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta hortagaya xildhibaanada labada aqal ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, isagoo u jeedin doona khudbad ku saabsab codsu uu wato iyo ka warbixinta xaaladda siyaasadeed iyo mida amni ee…
Israel oo 52 qof ku dishay duqeymo ay ka fulisay dalka Lubnan
Nov 02 (Jowhar)-Israel ayaa shalay ilaa xalay duqeymo culus oo cirka ah ku garaacday bartilmaameedyo ku yaalla tuulooyinka beeraha caanka ku ah ee waqooyi-bari ee dalka Lubnan.
Trump suggests significant healthcare position for RFK Jr. if he secures victory
Republican candidate Donald Trump has revealed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy family and a well-known vaccine skeptic, would have a "significant role" in his administration if he emerges victorious in next week's…
Twelve Dead After Roof Collapses at Serbian Train Station, Says Minister
At least 12 individuals have lost their lives following the collapse of a section of an outdoor roof at a train station in Novi Sad, Serbia, as reported by the interior minister.
Arizona: Journey Along Route 66 to the White House
In Kingman, Arizona, where Route 66 winds through the Mojave Desert, Jack Alexander operates his biker gear shop, Thunder Road."We love Trump here," he tells me amid the biker leathers and an array of Donald Trump memorabilia that fill his…