Rocket Attack on Camp Shamrock Leaves Irish Peacekeepers Unharmed
Last night, Camp Shamrock, where numerous Irish peacekeepers are stationed in Lebanon, was hit by a rocket.The Chief of Staff for the Irish Defence Forces confirmed the event during a statement made in Athlone.Camp Shamrock serves as the…
Howlgalka cusub ee UNTMIS oo maanta la wareegay howlihii UNSOM
Nov 01 (Jowhar)-Hawlgalka cusub ee loogu magac daray Kalaguurka Kaalmaynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya (UNTMIS) ayaa maanta ka shaqo bilaabay dalka, wuxuna badalay Hawlgalkii la oran jiray Kaalmaynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya…
Moldovan Court Approves Outcome of EU Membership Vote
Moldova's pro-European president celebrated a "historic milestone" after a high court acknowledged the results of a significant referendum held last month, setting the stage for the country to incorporate its aspiration to join the European…
Warar kasoo kordhay Kulan Xasan iyo Sanbaloolshe ay la yeesheen Agaasimaha Sirdoonka Mareykanka
Nov 01 (Jowhar)Kulankii Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh oo uu wehliyay Agaasimaha NISA C/llaahi Sanbaloolshe ay la yeesheen Agaasimaha Hey’adda Sirdoonka Mareykanka ee CIA ayaa diiradda lagu saaray arrimaha Amniga, la dagaalanka Argagixisada, kala…
New Delhi’s Pollution Crisis Intensifies Amidst Firecracker Ban Defiance
The air in India's capital, New Delhi, is shrouded in toxic smog, with pollution levels escalating following a fireworks ban that was largely ignored during the exuberant celebrations of the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali.
New Delhi,…
Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Oo Doonyo Ilaalo Ah Ka guddoomay Safiirka Turkiga
Nov 01 (Jowhar)- Munaasabad kooban oo lagu qabtay Dekadda Muqdisho ayaa Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Mudane Cumar Cali Cabdi oo ay wehliyaan mas’uuliyiin kale waxa uu Safiirka Turkiga ee Soomaaliya ku qaabilay Afar Doomood oo…
Spanish Province Under Red Alert Due to Ongoing Storm Threat
The Spanish authorities have issued the highest weather warning for the southwestern coast of the country, as storms that have wreaked havoc in the Valencia region continue to pose threats to lives and communities.
What Factors Have Contributed to the High Death Toll from Floods in Spain?
Experts suggest that powerful storms, exacerbated by a warming planet, inadequate urban planning, and negligence, have culminated in Spain's most lethal floods in a generation.
Death Toll from Eastern Spain Floods Reaches 158
Spain is in mourning, with at least 158 confirmed deaths as authorities advised residents in flood-affected areas to remain indoors while rescue teams urgently search for survivors in this unprecedented disaster.
Hey’adda IMF oo soo saartay Warbixinta Horumarka Maaliyadda Soomaaliya
Oct 31 (Jowhar)-Hey’adda Lacagta Adduunka ee IMF ayaa soo saartay Warbixinteeda ku aadan hannaanka dib-u-eegista 4-aad wajigiisa 2-aad kadib shirar ay yeesheen IMF iyo Dowladda Soomaaliya oo ka kala dhacay Turkiga iyo Mareykanka.