Wasiirka Tamarta Turkiga oo soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho
Feb 25 (Jowhar)-Wasiirka Tamarta iyo Kheyraadka Dabiiciga dalka Turkiga Dr. Alparslan Baytaktar iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho, si uu uga qeyb galo munaasabadda soo dhaweynta Markabla shidaalka saminaya…
Hutch to Face Spanish Court for Money Laundering Charges
Gerard Hutch, widely referred to as 'the Monk', is set to appear in a Spanish court later this morning regarding allegations of money laundering.The 61-year-old is among nine individuals anticipated to face a judge in Lanzarote.
𝐖𝐚siir Biixi oo shirka IMF iyo Bangiga Adduunka uga qeyb galay Washington
Feb 25 (Jowhar)-Isaga oo ka qeyb galaya shirarka loo dhan yahay ee Sanad laha IMF iyo Bangiga Adduunka ee 2024, ayuu Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda XFS waxa uu kulamo doceedyo miro-dhal ah la yeeshay masuuliyiin ka socotay Dalalka Qaaradda…
UN Leader Urges Peace in Ukraine During Visit to Russia
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for a "just peace" in Ukraine during a meeting with BRICS leaders hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Court of Appeal Rejects Lucy Letby’s Appeal Request
Former nurse and convicted murderer Lucy Letby has failed in her attempt to challenge her conviction for the attempted murder of a baby girl in the British Court of Appeal.
Tánaiste Commits €5 Million in Support for Lebanon at Paris Conference
Tánaiste Micheál Martin has addressed an international donor conference for Lebanon in Paris, stating that Israel must be held accountable for any violations of international law.
Turkiga oo dharbaaxo xun ku dhuftay kooxda argagixisada PKK
Oct 24 (Jowhar)-Kadib weerarkii ugu horeeyay ee muddo labo sano ah oo kooxda argagixisada PKK ay ku dishay shan ruux oo ka dhacay magaalada Ankara, Turkiga ayaa si degdeg ah uga jawaabay.
Putin wuxuu u ololeeyaa ee Multipolar’ ee cusub ee Shir Madaxeedka BRICS
Oct 24 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Ruushka Vladimir Putin ayaa u dabaaldegay aasaaska nidaamka cusub ee "multipolar world order" inta lagu guda jiro shirmadaxeedka BRICS, isaga oo ujeedadiisu ahayd in uu muujiyo in dadaalka reer galbeedka ee…
Putin Advocates for a New ‘Multipolar World Order’ at BRICS Summit
Russian President Vladimir Putin has celebrated the establishment of a new "multipolar world order" during the BRICS summit, aiming to demonstrate that Western efforts to isolate Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine have been unsuccessful.
Harris Takes Aim at Trump for His ‘Hazardous’ Comments on Hitler
US Vice President Kamala Harris has described Donald Trump as "increasingly unhinged" and branded his admiration for Adolf Hitler, as reported by a former high-ranking aide, as "incredibly dangerous".