Somalia has signed a security agreement with Uganda
Oct 13 (Jowhar)-Somalia and Uganda have recently signed a security agreement aimed at enhancing cooperation and collaboration in the fight against terrorism and other security threats in the region. The agreement was signed by Somali…
Soomaaliya oo heshiis dhinaca amniga ah la saxiixatay Uganda
Oct 19 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo maanta booqasho rasmi ah ku tagay dalka Uganda ayaa kulan miro-dhal ah la qaatay dhiggiisa dalkaas Mudane Yoweri Museveni.
Wisconsin Voter Participation Crucial in a Race Where Every Vote Matters
In 2020, Joe Biden secured victory in Wisconsin by a narrow margin of just 22,000 votes. This close call prompted the Republican Party to hold its convention in the state last July, with the hope that the spotlight of a major national event…
Biden Calls on NATO Allies to Sustain Aid for Ukraine During Berlin Trip
US President Joe Biden has called on NATO allies to continue supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia during his farewell visit to Germany, just weeks ahead of the US elections.
Thousands Participate in Worldwide Run for Displaced Individuals
Numerous individuals worldwide are participating in a run to express solidarity with those who face forced displacement or endure extreme poverty, according to organizers.
Horjoogayaal Shabaab ah oo lagu dilay howlgal ka dhacay gobolka Mudug
Oct 19 (Jowhar)-Ilaa 30 ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ayaa lagu dilay tiro intaasi ka badana waa ku dhaawacmeen howlgal Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka iyo kuwa deegaanka ay ka fuliyeen deegaanka Qaycad ee Koofurta Gobalka Mudug.
Israeli Airstrikes Claim 33 Lives in Jabalia Refugee Camp, Gaza
At least 33 individuals have lost their lives and 85 have been injured due to Israeli airstrikes that struck multiple homes in Jabalia, the largest of Gaza's eight historical refugee camps, as reported by medics. Residents indicated that…
Diyaarad Qaraxyo ka buuxaan oo lagu weeraray deegaanka RW Netanyahu
Oct 19 (Jowhar)-Jariirada Yadiicoot Ahranuut, oo ah Majalad laga leeyahay Israa'iil ayaa ku waramaysa in diyaarad nooca is wada ah ay gashay dhisme kuyaal QAYSAARIYAH oo ah deegaanka RW Netenyahu.
Xizbullah oo hanjabaad culus u dirtay Israel
Oct 19 (Jowhar)-Ururka Xisbullah ayaa Jimcihii wacad ku maray in uu kordhin doono dagaalka ay kula jirto Israa’iil, maalin uun ka dib markii ciidamada Isra’il ay sheegeen in ay dileen hoggaamiyihii Xamaas Yahya Sinwar, kaas oo ahaa ninki…
UAE Agreement Set to Facilitate Extradition of Kinahan Gang Members
The Government has established extradition and mutual legal assistance treaties with the United Arab Emirates, which will ease the process of returning senior members of the Kinahan organized crime group to Ireland for trial.