Netanyahu: Sinwar’s Death Marks the ‘Start of the End’ for Gaza Conflict
The Israeli Prime Minister has declared that the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar marks the "beginning of the end" of the conflict in Gaza.
Milateriga Israel oo sheegtay in ay dileen hoggaamiyaha Xamaas Yahya Sinwar
Oct 17 (Jowhar)-Milateriga Israel ayaa ku andacooday in laga yaabo in ay dileen hoggaamiyihii Xamaas Yahya Sinwar oo dhawaan duqeyn cirka ah ka geystay marinka Qaza. Sinwar, oo hogaaminayay kooxda xagjirka ah tan iyo 2017, ayaa lagu soo…
The Irish UNIFIL Zone: Journalists Reporting Amidst Conflict
As the conflict in Lebanon intensifies, Irish peacekeepers find themselves in the crossfire of two combatants. Amid this turmoil, an online struggle for narrative and emotion is unfolding, raising widespread concerns about the prevalence of…
Israeli Military Claims Possible Killing of Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar
The Israeli military has claimed that they may have killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a recent airstrike on the Gaza Strip. Sinwar, who has been the leader of the militant group since 2017, was reportedly targeted in a precision strike on…
Kudhowaad 10 ruux oo ku geeriyootay qarax ka dhacay Iskuul Buluusiya
Oct 17 (Jowhar)-Faah faahino dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa khasaaraha ka dhashay qarax Ismiidaamin ahaa oo ka dhacay Iskool Plozia ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Liam Payne, One Direction Star, Passes Away at 31 in Argentina
Tragic news has emerged as One Direction star Liam Payne has passed away at the age of 31 after an incident involving a fall from a hotel balcony in Buenos Aires.
RW Xamze oo shaaciyay halka laga bilaabayo qabsoomida doorasho qof iyo cod ah
Oct 17 (Jowhar)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamze Cabdi Barre, oo ka qayb galay bandhigga wax-qabadka maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ee 2023-2024, ayaa sheegay in maamulku uu xaqiijiyey labadii sano…
Israel oo duqeymo culus ku dishay 27 qof oo Lubnaan ah
Oct 17 (Jowhar)-Saraakiisha Lubnan ayaa sheegay in ugu yaraan 27 qof lagu dilay duqeyn cirka oo ay ciidamada Isra’il ku garaaceen deegaanno ku yaalla koofurta Lubnan 24-ki saac ee lasoo dhaafay.
Historic Sale: First AI-Created Artwork to Be Auctioned at Leading Auction House
The robot artist 'Ai-Da Robot' is set to make history later this month as the first humanoid robot artist to have an artwork auctioned by a prominent auction house.
Italy Expands Surrogacy Ban to Couples Seeking Options Abroad
Italian lawmakers have enacted a law extending the country's surrogacy ban to include couples who seek surrogacy services abroad, despite concerns that this move could negatively impact children's rights.