UNRWA Claims it is Nearing a ‘Crisis’ in Gaza
The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has indicated that it is nearing a potential breaking point for its operations in the Gaza Strip due to increasingly challenging circumstances.
Strengthening Somalia’s Democratization Process: A Call to the International Community
The democratization of Somalia’s political institutions is central to the country’s long-term stability, peace, and prosperity. As Somalia navigates its path toward establishing inclusive governance, the role of the international community…
Centenarian Jimmy Carter, Former US President, Votes at Age 100
Former United States president Jimmy Carter has cast his ballot in this year's presidential election, marking the occasion just 15 days after celebrating his 100th birthday.
Xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaare Xamse oo war cusub kasoo saaray shirkii uu isaga tagay Axmed Madoobe
Oct 16 (Jowhar)-Xafiisk ra'iisul wasaaraha xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa goordhow shaaciyay in 26-ka bishan dib la isugu soo laaban doono shorka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran oo maalmahan hakad ku jiray.
UK boosts Somalia security with additional £7.5 Million to ATMIS
The United Kingdom announces a further funding to support the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to bolster Somalia’s security.
North Korea Destroys Inter-Korean Road and Rail Links at the Border
North Korea has detonated portions of inter-Korean roads and railways on its territory near the heavily fortified border, leading South Korea's military to discharge warning shots.
Harris: Ireland Will Not Delay on Occupied Territories Bill Despite Lack of Consensus
Ireland is "not going to wait for consensus" from other European nations regarding trade with Israel's illegal settlements, according to Taoiseach Simon Harris.
Shabaab oo saddex ganacsato ah ku dishay magaalada Muqdisho
Oct 16 (Jowhar)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa weerar koox Shabaab ah ay saaka ka fulisay xaafadda Soona-key degmada Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Maxkamadda sare ee Kenya oo diidday codsi ay u direen qareennada madaxweyne kuxigeenka
Oct 16 (Jowhar)-Maxkamada sare ee dalka Kenya ayaa talaadadii shalay diidday codsi ay qareennada madaxweyne ku xigeenka Kenya ku doonayeen in golaha senate-ka laga joojiyo ka doodista mooshin xil ka qaadis ah oo ka dhan ah isaga kadib…
Israel Launches Airstrikes on Beirut Following Ceasefire Rejection
The Israeli military has conducted strikes in southern Beirut following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rejection of calls for a ceasefire in Lebanon, asserting it would leave Hezbollah forces positioned near Israel's border.