Rising Strain Between Israel and UNIFIL
Israel has broadened its targets in its conflict with Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, resulting in the deaths of at least 21 individuals from an airstrike in the north, according to health officials, as millions of Israelis sought refuge…
Dowladda Soomaaliya oo Deeq Waxbarasho siisay ardayda reer Sudan ee usoo qaxay Muqdisho
Oct 15 (Jowhar)-Wasaaradda Waxbarashada XFS ayaa deeq waxbarasho siisay Ardayda reer Suudaan ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho.
Qoysas u dhashay dalka Suudaan ayaa ku sugan Muqdisho, kuwaasoo ka soo barakacay colaadaha dalkooda ka socda.…
Dowladda Canada oo ceyrisay Diblomaasiyiin sare oo Hindi ah
Oct 15 (Jowhar)-Canada ayaa Isniinti shalay ceyrisay lix diblamaasi oo uu ku jiro sarkaal heerkiisu sarreeyo, kuwaas oo lala xiriiryay dilka hogaamiye ka tirsanaa kooxda gooni u gaasadka bulshada Siingaha ee Hindiya oo lagu khaarijiyay…
Taliban Pledge to Enforce Media Ban on Depictions of Living Creatures
The Taliban's morality ministry in Afghanistan has announced its intention to enforce a law that prohibits news media from publishing images of any living beings, with journalists being informed that the enforcement of this rule will occur…
Israel Intensifies Pressure in Northern Gaza Amid Concerns of a Siege
Israeli forces have intensified their assault around Jabalia in northern Gaza, resulting in the deaths of at least ten individuals queuing for food, as reported by Palestinian medics. They are also urging residents to evacuate while…
India Expels Canadian Diplomats in Response to Assassination Investigation Dispute
India has mandated the expulsion of six Canadian diplomats and has recalled its own envoy from Canada, responding to what it claims is Canada's decision to identify him and others as "persons of interest" in an investigation.
Cabdi Xaashi iyo Saalax Jaamac oo heshiis ka gaaray buuqa kursiga UH50
Oct 14 (Jowhar)-Guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare Cabdi Xaashi C/llaahi iyo Ra’iisul Wasaare kuxigeenka Senator Saalax Jaamac ayaa si wadajir ah heshiis uga gaaray khilaafkii shaqsiga ee u dhaxeeyay, kaasoo sabab u ahaa kursiga #UH50 ee uu…
Biden Travels to Florida, Commits to Assisting Storm Recovery Efforts
After assessing damaged communities and debris-strewn streets in Florida, U.S. President Joe Biden has pledged continued support for the state's recovery from Hurricane Milton, which marks the second major storm to impact the region in…
RW Xamsa oo Furay Shirka 7-aad ee Madasha Dhaqaalaha Qaranka
Oct 14 (Jowhar)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa maanta si rasmi ah u furay Shirka 7-aad ee Madasha Siyaasadda Dhaqaalaha Qaranka. Shirka oo socon doona labo maalmood ayaa…
Jubaland oo beenisay iney Shabaab dagaal kula wareegtay deegaanka Buulo Xaaji
Oct 14 (Jowhar)-Taliska Ciidanadda Jubaland ayaa beeniyay warar shalay ay faafisay kooxda Al-Shabaab oo ay ku sheegteen iney la wareegeeb gacab ku heynta deegaanka Buula Xaaji oo hoostimaada magaalada Kismaayo.