Trump ayaa lagu wadaa inuu booqdo goobti lagu khaarijin rabay
Oct 05 (Jowhar)-Donald Trump ayaa isku diyaarinaya in uu dib ugu laabto magaalada yar ee Pennsylvania halkaas oo isku day dil lagu doonayay in lagu khaarijiyo xili uu socday isu soo bax ay ka soo qayb galeen kumanaan taageerayaashiisa ah.
Trump Set to Visit Location of Assassination Attempt
Donald Trump is preparing to return to the small town in Pennsylvania where an assassination attempt was made on him during a rally attended by thousands of his supporters.
Watch: Building and Container Get Swept Away as Storm Helene Leaves 210 Dead
Eyewitness footage from Asheville, North Carolina, captured the moment when portions of a building and a shipping container were carried away by floodwaters resulting from Tropical Storm Helene.
North Korea Warns of Nuclear Response to Potential Aggression
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un stated that his nation would employ nuclear weapons "without hesitation" if attacked by South Korea and its ally, the United States, according to reports from state media.
Lafta-gareen oo kusoo biiray dadaalada lagu qancinayo Axmed Madoobe, si Villa Somaliya….
Oct 05 (Jowhar)-Dadaal xoog leh oo Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe lagu qancinayo ayaa kasocda magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo aan loo kala kicin tan iyo xalay.
Mareykanka oo duqeeyay saldhigyo Xuutiyiinta ay ku lahaayeen dalka Yemen
Oct 05 (Jowhar)-Millatariga Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in ay duqeymo cirka ah ku garaaceen bartilmaameedyo ay Xuutiyiinta Yemen ku leeyihiin magaalooyinka Sancaa iyo Xudeyda ee dalka Yemen.
Inquest Reveals Mike Lynch Drowned in Superyacht Sinking; Further Deaths Being Investigated
Tech mogul Mike Lynch tragically drowned, and the circumstances surrounding the deaths of three other British nationals are still under investigation following the sinking of the Bayesian superyacht off Sicily's coast, as detailed in a…
Shir ay Xasan Sheekh iyo Xamze la lahaayeen Axmed Madoobe oo fashil kusoo dhamaaday
Oct 05 (Jowhar)-Shir gaar ah oo xalay ay lahayeen Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Raโiisul Wasaare Xamse Cabdi Barre iyo Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa natiijo laโaan ku soo dhammaaday.
Israel Strikes Hezbollah Intelligence Headquarters as Iran Vows Defiance
Israel has announced that it targeted the intelligence headquarters of Hezbollah in Beirut and is currently assessing the damage following a series of strikes on prominent figures within the group, which Iran's Supreme Leader has deemed…
UN Deems Civilian Casualties in Lebanon ‘Completely Unacceptable’
Israel announced that it had struck the intelligence headquarters of Hezbollah in Lebanon during the night, and was currently evaluating the damage after a series of attacks on prominent figures within the group. Iran's Supreme Leader had…