Jeneraalka hoggaamiya milatariga Sudaan oo isku day dil ka badbaaday
Jul 31 ( ciidamada Suudaan Nabil Abdallah ayaa sheegay in Jeneraal Abdel Fattah al-Burhan uu ka badbaaday isku day dil.
The Shocking Death of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniya: A Major Blow to the Palestinian Resistance…
Jul 31 ( a shocking turn of events, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya was reportedly killed in Iran. The news of his death has sent shockwaves throughout the region, as Haniya was a prominent figure in the Palestinian resistance…
Hoggaamiyihii Xamaas Ismaaciil Haniya oo lagu dilay dalla Iran
Jul 31 ( uu goor dhaw uu baahiyaya telafishanka qaranka Iran oo ay soo xigteen wakaaladaha wararka ee AP iyo Rueters ayaa sheegaya, in hogaamiyaha ururka Xamaas ee Falastiiniyiinta Ismaaciil Haniya lagu dilay Tehran,…
Venezuela in Turmoil: Protests Erupt Following Disputed Election Results
Venezuela is once again in turmoil as protests have erupted following disputed election results. The country's opposition party is claiming that the recent parliamentary elections were rigged in favor of President Nicolas Maduro's ruling…
Israel bombed the capital of Lebanon, Beirut
Jul 30 ( An Israeli bombardment south of Beirut killed one woman and injured several others, according to Lebanese media.The Lebanese news agency NNA reported that the attack was carried out by a drone that fired three missiles.
The Minister of Defense visited Bulo Haji area
Jul 30 ( The Minister of Defense of JFS Mr. Abduqadir Mohamed Noor, the Commander of the Armed Forces S/Gaas Ibrahim Sheikh Muhuddin and the Somali Police Commander S/Brigade Sulub Ahmed Firin.
Israa’iil oo duqeysay caasimada Lubnaan ee Beirut
Jul 30 ( Duqeyn ay Israa’iil ka geysatay koonfurta Beyruut ayaa waxaa ku dhintay hal qof oo dumar ah, dhowr kalena waa ay ku dhaawacmeen, sida ay sheegtay warbaahinta Lubnaan.
Wasiirka gaashaandhigga oo kormeer ku tegey deegaanka Buulo Xaaji
Jul 30 ( wasaaradda gaashaandhiga JFS mudane Cabduqaadir Maxamed Nuur, Taliyaha Ciidanka xooga Dalka S/Gaas Ibraahin Sheekh Muxudiin Iyo Taliyaha Boliiska Soomaaliyeed S/Guuto Sulub Axmad Firin ayaa si wadajir ah u…
Prime Minister Hamsa arrived in Kismayo
July 30 ( - The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Hamsa Abdi Barre and a delegation including the Ministers of Defense and Security were warmly welcomed in the city of Kismayo, the headquarters of the…
Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamsa oo gaaray Kismaayo
Jul 30 (’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre iyo wafdi ay kamid yihiin Wasiirrada Gaashaandhigga iyo Amniga ayaa si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta KMG Jubbaland.