Sharif, the former president of Somalia, criticized the government on important issues
Jul 26 ( - The 7th President of Somalia, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, who held a press conference in Mogadishu this morning, spoke about sensitive issues, such as the elections, the issue of khat, the slowness of the war against…
President Ali Guudlawe arrived in Moqokori district
July 26 ( - The president of Hirshabelle Ali Abdullahi Hussein was welcomed in Moqokori district of Hiran region.The delegation led by President Guudlawe who has been visiting some of the districts of the Central region in recent…
Ethiopia declared three days of mourning
Jul 27 ( - The Ethiopian government announced on Friday three days of national mourning, after it was confirmed that 257 people died in two landslides that occurred on Sunday and Monday in southern Ethiopia.
President of Jubbaland Islam was welcomed in Afmadow district
Jul 26 ( - Jubbaland President Ahmed Mohamed Islam and his delegation arrived today in Afmadow district of Lower Jubba region.
Sinaloa Cartel Leader ‘El Mayo’ Zambada Arrested in US on Drug Trafficking Charges
Jul 26 ( - One of the world's drug traffickers, the most famous Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico, was arrested in El Paso, Texas in the United States.
Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo weerar culus ku qaaday madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya
Jul 26 ( Madaxweynihii 7aad ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh AXmed oo saaka shir jaraa'id ku qabtay magaalada Miqdisho ayaa ka hadlay arrimo xasaasi ah, Sida doorashooyinka, Arrinaha Qaadka, Gaabiska dagaalka Shabaab iyo xarriga…
Itoobiya oo ku dhawaaqday saddex maalin oo baroor-diiq ah
Jul 27( Itoobiya ayaa Jimcihi ku dhawaaqday saddex maalin oo baroor-diiq qaran ah, kaddib marki la xaqiijiyay in 257 qof ay ku dhinteen laba dhul-go oo Axaddi iyo Isniinti ka dhacay koofurta Itoobiya.
Akhriso Natiijada Doorashada Saddexda degmo ee Puntland
Jul 26 ( la shaaciyay magacyada musharaxiinta ku guuleysatey kuraasta doorashadii 23ka bishan ka dhacday degmooyinka Garowe, Dangorayo iyo Godobjiiraan.
Madaxweyne Cali Guudlaawe oo gaaray degmada Moqokori
Jul 26( Dowladda Hirshabeelle Cali Cabdulaahi Xuseen ayaa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay degmada Moqokori ee Gobalka Hiiraan.
Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay degmada Afmadow
Jul 26 ( Madaxweynaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminaayey ayaa maanta gaaray degmada Afmadow ee gobolka Jubbada hoose.