Shirka Horumarinta Qaranka oo looga hadlay mideynta dadaallada horumarineed
Shirka Madasha Wadatashiga Golaha Horumarinta Qaranka (National Development Council) ayaa shalay oo Axad ah lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho.
Premier Bank oo adeeg cusub maanta daahfurtay
Premier Payment Gateway oo ka shidaal qaadanaya taageerada Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS) ayaa ganacsiyada Soomaaliyeed u fududeynaya in ay badeecadooda ku iibiyaan Internetka oo gaarsiiyaan macaamiil cusub oo dunida oo dhan ah.
Somali National Union of Teachers Protests Ministry’s Decision to Replace Teachers
In a dramatic turn of events, over 100 members of the Somali National Union of Teachers (SNUT), affiliated with the Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU), staged a vigorous demonstration today against the Ministry of Education. The…
Booliska Muqdisho oo shaaciyay khasaaraha weerarkii xalay lagu qaaday maqaayada Top Coffee
Jul 15 ( dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaaa weerar xalay ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo dhaliyay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac ah.
Madaxweyne El-Sisi Oo Warqadaha Aqoonsiga Ka Guddoomaya Danjire Awaare
Jul 14 ( dowladda Masar Mudane Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ayaa s rasmi ah warqadaha aqoonsiga danjirannimo uga guddoomay Safiirka Cusub ee Soomaaliya ee Masar ahna wakiilka joogtadda ah ee Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta Danjire…
Xoghayaha gudoomiye kuxigeenka 2aad ee golaha shacabka oo lagu weeraray magaalada Muqdisho
Feb 11 (Jowhar)Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa weerar ka dhacay degmada Xamar Jajab ee bartamaha magaalada Muqdisho.
Defying Darkness: Somali sports journalist’s struggle against extremist threat
Jan 25( the tumultuous landscape of Somalia, where the shadows of terror loom large, one journalist stood defiant against the oppressive orders of Al-Shabaab, the Al-Qaeda-linked militant group. Mohamed Abdi Muudey found…
Koox hubeysan oo weerar ku qaaday maqaayadda Joo’s Kitchen
Dec 25 (Jowhar)- Dabley hubaysan oo ka tirsan kooxaha argagaxisada ayaa weerar ku qaaday makhaayadda Joo’s Kitchen oo ku taal magaalada Muqdisho.
Armed group attacks a house in Mogadishu with a bomb explosion
Oct 5 (Jowhar) - An unidentified armed group carried out a bomb attack on a house in Mogadishu shortly after the Isha prayer tonight. The explosion is reported to have been caused by a grenade, though it has not been officially confirmed.…
Latest news on the explosion in Kismayo
Oct 13 (Jowhar) - Additional details have emerged about a powerful explosion that occurred this afternoon in Kismayo, specifically in the Farjano neighborhood, with its blast widely heard across the city.
The explosion, caused by a planted…