Pm Hamsa “This country is called Somalia and it is represented by DFS”
July 15 ( - The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Hamsa Abdi Barre, said that a long way has been taken to modernize and manage the development of the country's financial system, which is now 10 years old.
The new president of Iran announced a statement that angered Israel
July 14 ( Iran's president-elect Masoud Pezeshkian has assured Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's political bureau, that the "Palestinian issue" will be his government's priority, as reported by the state-run One TV network.
The National Development Conference discussed the unification of development efforts
The meeting of the National Development Council was held yesterday Sunday in Mogadishu. The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Planning, Investment and Economic Development of the Federal Government of Somalia, and the chairman of the…
Mogadishu police announced the casualties of the attack on the Top Coffee restaurant last night
Jul 15 ( - More news is being received about an attack that took place last night in Mogadishu, which caused casualties and injuries.
President El-Sisi Passing Credentials to Ambassador Aware
July 14 ( - The President of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, officially received the diplomatic credentials from the new Ambassador of Somalia to Egypt and the permanent representative of the Arab League, Ambassador Ali Abdi…
Taliye Shub oo qaaday talaabo culus kadib weerarkii gudaha Xabsiga Dhexe
jul 14( ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed Jeneraal Mahad C/raxmaan Aadan (Taliye Shub) ayaa qaaday talaabooyin deg deg ah maalin kadib weerarkii ka dhacay gudaha Xabsiga Dhexe.
Booliska Kenya oo qabtay nin diley 42 haween ah
Jul 15 ( dalka Kenya ayaa gacanta ku dhigay nin lagu eedeeyay dilka haween badan oo Kenyan ah, dilkan ayaana dhacay sannado iyo bilo kala duwan, waxaana horey loo aqoonsan waayay dilaaga haweenkaasi badan dilay.
RW Xamze “Dalkan Soomaaliya ayaa la yiraahdaa waxaana matasha DFS”
Jul 15 (’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa sheegay in jid dheer loo soo maray dib-u-casriyeynta iyo hayaanka horumarinta hannaanka maaliyadda dalka oo maanta 10-sano jirsaday.
Madaxweynaha cusub ee Iran oo ku dhawaaqay hadal ka careysiiyay Israel
jul 14( la doortay ee Iran Masoud Pezeshkian ayaa u xaqiijiyay Ismail Haniyeh, madaxa xafiiska siyaasada ee Xamaas, in "arrinta Falastiin" ay noqon doonto mudnaanta dowladiisa, sida lagu daabacay Shabakadda One TV ee…
Shirka Horumarinta Qaranka oo looga hadlay mideynta dadaallada horumarineed
Shirka Madasha Wadatashiga Golaha Horumarinta Qaranka (National Development Council) ayaa shalay oo Axad ah lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho.