Greek Prime Minister Urges Calm Following Strong Tremors in Santorini
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has urged for calm following a series of seismic activities on the tourist island of Santorini, which have led to mass evacuations.
Shiinaha oo canshuur aargoosi ah kusoo rogaya Mareykanka
Feb 04(Jowhar)Xukuumadda Beijing ayaa sheegtay in ay canshuuro aargoosi ah ku soo rogi doonto alaabaha Mareykanka.
Hermoso Testifies in Rubiales Trial: ‘My Boss Should Not Have Kissed Me’
Spanish women's World Cup champion Jenni Hermoso addressed former soccer federation chief Luis Rubiales during his trial, stating that she did not consent to the kiss that ignited a nationwide outcry against sexism in sports.
One Fatality in Bomb Attack at Upscale Moscow Apartment Complex
One person has been reported dead and four others injured following a bomb explosion in the lobby of a luxury apartment building in Moscow.
Starmer Calls on Europe to Stay Firm Against Putin During Discussions
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is set to encourage European leaders to "maintain pressure" on Russian President Vladimir Putin, marking his presence as the first UK leader at a European Council meeting since Brexit.
Musk Claims USAID is ‘Irreparable’ and Seeks Its Closure
Elon Musk, who is leading US President Donald Trump's initiative to reduce the size of the federal government, has announced ongoing efforts to dismantle the US foreign aid agency, USAID.
Mustaf Dhuxulow oo hirgalinaya xafiis loogu adeegayo dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba
Feb 03 (Jowhar) Agaasimaha guud ee Hay'ada Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyada Soomaaliya Mustaf Dhuxulow ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba, isagoo ka dhageystay baahiyohooda iyo sida loo fududeyn karo adeegyadooda.
Wasaarada Caafimaadka oo hakisay canshuur ay soo rogtay kadib buuq ka dhashay
Feb 03 (Jowhar)Wasaaradda Caafimaadka dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa hakisay lacago ay kusoo rogtay in qof walba oo dalka ka dhoofaya uu qaato Buug caafimaad oo ay ku jiraan tallaalada socdaalka ee Duumada, Dabaysha iyo Qaaxada Maskaxda; iyada…
A Lasting Gaza Ceasefire Could Be Attributed to Trump
When Israel and Hamas reached a ceasefire agreement in the middle of last month, discussions arose regarding who deserved credit: Joe Biden or Donald Trump.
Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo xuquuqdii iyo darajadii ciidan uu lahaa u celiyay G/sare Ibraahim
Feb 03 (Jowhar) Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa xeer Madaxweyne ugu soo celiyay xuquuqdii iyo darajadii ciidan ee uu lahaa G/sare Ibraahim Macalin Cabdullaahi oo horay usoo noqday Taliyaha Nabadsugida Gobolka Banaadir.