Hamas Officials Report 300,000 Displaced Individuals Returning to Northern Gaza
The Hamas government in Gaza reported that "more than 300,000 displaced" Palestinians have returned to the northern part of the territory after Israel's military permitted the returns starting this morning.
Madaxweyne Xasan oo khudbad ka jeediyay shirweynaha Tamarta Afrika
Jan 28 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo hadal ka jeediyey Shirweynaha Tamarta Afrika ayaa soo bandhigay qorshaha dowladda Soomaaliya ee kordhinta tayada iyo awoodda Tamarta, taas oo…
Climate Activists Launch Confetti Cannon at Sigourney Weaver’s London Performance
Two climate activists interrupted a performance of William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' in London, featuring Sigourney Weaver.
Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidanka Jubaland oo la shaqeynayay Shabaab oo maxkamad lasoo taagay
Jan 28 (Jowhar)-Maxkamadda Ciidamada Qalabka sida iyo dambiyada Culus ee maamulka Jubbaland ayaa u fariisatay dhageysiga kiis uu eedeysane yahay Mukhtaar Cabdi Aadan ( Hoobiye ) oo ahaa sargaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Jubbaland isla markaana…
Denmark Unveils $2 Billion Arctic Security Initiative
Denmark has declared its intention to invest 14.6 billion Danish Kroner (€1.9 billion) to enhance its military presence in the Arctic, in light of renewed interest from US President Donald Trump in exercising control over Greenland, a…
Halis soo wajahday xabad joojintii Israel iyo Xamaas
Jan 28 (Jowhar)-Xabbad joojintii Israel ee Lubnaan iyo Gaza ayaa caqabado ay ka horyimaadeen Axaddii shalay.
Hungary Withdraws Threat to Block EU Sanctions on Russia
Hungary has withdrawn its threat to obstruct the continuation of EU sanctions against Russia for an additional six months.
Belarus President Secures Extended Rule in Election Condemned by the West
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, has secured a seventh consecutive term in an election condemned by the European Union and the exiled opposition.
Putin and Xi Celebrate Lukashenko’s Win Despite Western Criticism
The leaders of Russia and China extended their congratulations to Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko for securing a seventh term in office, with Vladimir Putin of Russia asserting that the election demonstrated Lukashenko's "undoubted"…
Mooshin culus oo dhanka ah ra’iisul wasaare Xamze oo ka socda Nairobi
Jan 27 (Jowhar)-Guux mooshin ka dhan ah Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamze Cabdi Barre ayaa ka billowday magaalada Nairobi, iyadoo kulamo saacadihii la soo dhaafay ay yeesheen Xildhibaano ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka ay ka arrinsadeen qorshayaashooda la…