Taoiseach and Survivors to Commemorate 80th Anniversary of Camp Liberation
Taoiseach Micheál Martin is heading to Poland today to participate in a commemoration service marking 80 years since the liberation of the former Nazi-German concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Uncovering the Nazi Death Camps: The Global Revelation
The images captured when the Allies liberated the Nazi death camps towards the conclusion of World War II brought the atrocities of the Holocaust to the forefront of global awareness.
Falastiiniyiinta oo saaka dib ugu laabanaya deegaannada waqooyiga Marinka Gaza
Jan 27 (Jowhar)-Dowladda Qatar ayaa aroornimadi hore ee Isniinta maanta ah shaacisay, in heshiis laga gaaray sii deynta la heystayaasha rayidka ah ee wali ku haray gacanta Xamaas, iyo in Isra’il ay ogolaatay in Falastiiniyiinta reer Gaza ay…
Britain to Implement Stricter Knife Purchase Regulations Following Southport Murders
The UK has announced it will compel retailers to adopt stricter age-verification measures to prevent minors from purchasing knives, following a recent incident where a teenager confessed to killing three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed…
Trump urges Jordan and Egypt to accept more Palestinians from Gaza
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has proposed a strategy to "just clean out" Gaza, expressing his desire for Egypt and Jordan to accept Palestinians from the area as a tenuous truce between Israel and Hamas, aiming for a…
Israeli Forces Strike, Resulting in 22 Deaths During Return to Southern Lebanon
Israeli troops killed 22 individuals in southern Lebanon as the deadline for their withdrawal elapsed, while thousands attempted to return home, defying an Israeli military command, according to Lebanese authorities.
What’s the Market Outlook for the Musk-Trump Relationship?
"I don't foresee that relationship enduring beyond 6 months," stated Peter Brown, Managing Director of Baggot Investment Partners based in Dublin.
Holocaust Survivors: A Diminishing Link to Past Atrocities
Eight decades after the Holocaust, its memory stands at a "crossroads," with the number of survivors who can share their firsthand accounts of the Nazi-era atrocities dwindling, according to the head of an Israeli memorial center.
Puntland oo gacanta ku dhigtay Ajaanib kale oo la shaqeynaysay sarkaal dhawaan la toogtay
Jan 26 (Jowhar)-Faah faahino dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa howlgal culus oo saaka ciidamadda Puntland ay ka sameeyeen xaafadda uu magaalada Boosaa ka daganaa nin ajnabi ah oo dhawaa la toogtay isagoo qarax diyaarinayay.
Madaxweynaha Cirro ayaa maanta safarkiisii ugu horreeyay dalka Dibeddiisa ku tagay
Jan 26 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi (Cirro) ayaa maanta safarkiisii ugu horreeyay ee dalka Dibeddiisa ugu amba-baxay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta.