Denmark, the US, and Greenland to Explore Arctic Security Issues
Denmark has agreed to engage in discussions regarding the Arctic region with Washington, as stated by Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen following his initial phone call with the Secretary of State from President Donald Trump's…
Puntland oo toogatay nin Ajanabi ah oo Miino aasayay
Jan 25 (Jowhar)-Maamulka Puntland ayaa soo bandhigay sawirka nin Ajnabi ah kaasoo ay toogteen laamaha amniga ee ku sugan furimaha hore ee gobolka Bari.
Putin Proposes Meeting with Trump to Discuss Ukraine Conflict
Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his willingness to engage in discussions with US President Donald Trump regarding the war in Ukraine. However, he noted that negotiations with Ukraine are complicated due to Ukrainian President…
Trump’s Chief Diplomat Pledges ‘Steadfast Support’ for Israel
The new top diplomat of the United States, Marco Rubio, has reiterated the nation's "unwavering support" for Israel, just days into a fragile ceasefire in Gaza and amid a significant military operation in the West Bank.
Madaxweyne Xasan oo la kulmay gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Carabta
Jan 23 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo booqasho rasmi ah ku jooga dalka Masar ayaa kulan la qaatay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Carabta Mudane Maxamed Axmed Al-Yamaahi.
UN Raises Concerns Over Israel’s Military Tactics in the West Bank
The United Nations has expressed grave concerns regarding the Israeli military's use of force during its raid this week in the West Bank, including techniques "developed for warfare."
Xamaas oo shaacisay la haystayaal ay siideyneyo
Jan 24 (Jowhar)-Xamaas ayaa magacawday afar qof oo la haystayaal Israa’iiliyiin ah kuwaasoo lagu sii dayn doono Sabtida iyada oo la raacayo heshiiskii xabbad joojinta ee Gaza.
Ciidamada Puntland oo la wareegay Turmasaale oo ay saldhig ku lahaayeen Daacish
Jan 24( Jowhar)-Ciidamada Puntland ayaa maanta si buuxda ula wareegay deegaanka Turmasaale oo saldhig weyn ay ku lahaayeen kooxda Daacish.
WHO Chief to Reassess Priorities and Reduce Expenditures Following US Departure
The World Health Organization will reduce expenses and reassess which health programs to prioritize following the US's announcement of its departure, the organization's chief conveyed to staff in an internal memo.
Federal Judge Rejects Trump’s Attempt to Limit Birthright Citizenship
A federal judge has put a stop to Donald Trump's efforts to limit birthright citizenship in the United States, marking a significant win for liberal states against the new president's stringent agenda.