China carries out execution of man responsible for 35 fatalities in car attack
China has carried out the execution of an individual who killed 35 people during a car rampage in the southern city of Zhuhai last November, marking the country's most deadly mass assault in several years.
Watch: From Celebration to Reality – Gazans Return to Devastation and Ruins
After 15 months of conflict, the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas came into effect yesterday. However, the joy of Gazans, who celebrated the truce, quickly turned to despair as they returned to find their homes in ruins.
Search Operations Underway for Gazans Trapped Under Rubble
Rescue teams in Gaza have initiated a search for individuals believed to be trapped beneath debris following an explosion in the area. The explosion, which occurred in a residential neighborhood, has caused extensive damage to several…
Trump oo loo dhaariyay Madaxweyinihii 47aad ee Maraykanka
Jan 20 (Jowhar)-Donald Trump ayaa si rasmi ah u noqday madaxweynihii 47-aad ee dalka Mareykanka kadib markii u xilka loo dhaariyay goordhow. Sidoo kale waxaa Madaxweyne ku xigeenka dalka Maraykanka loo dhaariyay JD Vance.
Tune In: Donald Trump Takes Oath as President of the United States
Donald Trump has officially been inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States during a ceremony held at the Capitol in Washington, DC this afternoon.
Ceasefire Holds Steady Following Successful Initial Prisoner Exchange
A tenuous ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict is currently in effect, following a significant exchange in which three hostages were swapped for 90 Palestinian prisoners, aimed at bringing an end to over 15 months of warfare in…
Farmaajo;”Xasan Sheekh waxa uu qabanayaa doorasho uu maamulanayo”
Jan 20 (Jowhar)- Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo ayaa war saxaafadeed uu soo saaray waxa uu ku eedeeyay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh inuu doorasho kaligiis sameystey uu doonayo in dalka ay ka dhacdo taasna ay…
Dowlada oo ku dhawaaqday Diiwaangelinta Xisbiyada dalka
Jan 20 (Jowhar)-Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Madaxa bannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka & Soohdimaha Cabdikariin Axmed Xasan oo Shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Muqdisho ayaa soo gudbiyay jadwalka Doorashada, Diiwaangelinta Xisbiyada iyo waxyaabihii kale…
Trump oo ku hanjabay in shaqooyinkiisa ugu horeeyo uu ka dhigayo musaafurinta soo galootiga
Jan 20 (Jowhar)-Saacado ka hor inta aan xilka loo dhaarin, Donald Trump waxa uu ballan qaaday in uu saxiixi doono amarro fulineed oo badan maalintiisa ugu horreysa ee uu madaxweyne noqdo isaga oo u dabbaaldegaya isu soo baxa guusha.
Explainer: The Powers of Executive Orders for Donald Trump
The Republican President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to redefine US policy with a flurry of executive orders soon after he assumes office next week.