Spain’s Prime Minister Suggests Prohibiting Home Purchases for Non-EU Buyers
Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has put forth a proposal aimed at tightening the restrictions on housing purchases within the country, as part of his initiative to address the affordable housing crisis.
Heshiis Xabad-joojin ah oo ka dhaqan Galay Qaza
Jan 19 (Jowhar)-Heshiis xabad-joojin ah oo ay ku heshiiyeen Israa’iil iyo Xamaas ayaa dhaqan galay kaddib ku dhawaad saddex saacadood oo dib u dhac ah, xilligaasoo weerarrada Israa’iil lagu dilay ugu yaraan 19 Falastiiniyiin ah.
Gisèle Pelicot’s Daughter Calls on Abuse Victims to Come Forward and Report Crimes
The daughter of Gisèle Pelicot has expressed that her family chose to make the case public in order to encourage victims to come forward, speak out, and "not remain silent."
Madaxweyne Xasan oo kulamo la qaatay Saraakiisha Xoogga dalka iyo NISA
Jan 19 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa kormeer maanta ku tagay xarunta Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga XJFS.
Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Steps Down Following Gun Shooting Video Controversy
Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Josip Dabro, a prominent figure in a nationalist hard-right party, has stepped down after a video emerged showing him firing shots at random from a moving vehicle.
Fahad Yaasiin oo farta ku fiiqay Saddex dowladood oo garab siinaya Axmed Madoobe
Jan 19 (Jowhar) -Taliyihii hore ee Nabad Sugida Qaranka Fahad Yaasiin ayaa ka hadlay safarka uu shalay Axmed Madoobe ku tagay magaalada Nairobi oo dowladda Kenya ay usoo dirtay diyaarad gaar ah, taasoo ka careysiisay Villa Soomaaliya.
£20,000 Reward Offered for Information on Three Abandoned Siblings in London
A £20,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to identifying the parents of three siblings who were found abandoned in London over eight years ago, coinciding with the first anniversary of the third child's discovery.
DF oo qaaday tilaabo ka dhan ah Kenya kadib safarkii Axmed Madoobe ee Nairobi
Jan 19 (Jowhar)-Dowladda Soomaaliya oo u yeertay Safiirka Kenya ee ku sugan Muqdisho ayaa u gudbisay warqad cabasho ah oo ku saabsan safarkii uu Nairobi ku tagay Axmed Madoobe, kaddib markii diyaarad gaar ah ka qaaday magaalada Kismaayo.
Mareykanka oo dhaqan galiyay amarka joojinta adeegga Tiktok
Jan 19 (Jowhar)-Mareykanka ayaa dhaqan-geliyey joojinta adeegga TikTok, cabsi ammaankiisa uga qabo shirkaddan laga leeyahay Shiinaha darteed.
Gaza Ceasefire and Hostage Release Scheduled to Commence
A ceasefire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas is scheduled to take effect later this morning, with a hostage release expected to follow a few hours later, potentially paving the way for an end to a 15-month conflict that has disrupted the…