Watch: Devastation Unfolds as LA Remains “A City on Fire”
Wildfires in Los Angeles have claimed the lives of at least 14 individuals, while over 150,000 others have been compelled to evacuate their homes to seek safety.
Ergeyga Midowga Afrika oo soo dhaweeyay dib usoo laabashada xiriirka Somaliya iyo Itoobiya
Jan 13 (Jowhar)-Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Guddoomiyaha Midowga Afrika u qaabilsan Soomaaliya ahna Madaxa Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AUSSOM), Danjire Maxamed El-Amine Souef, ayaa bogaadiyay dib u soo laabashada xiriirkii…
Los Angeles Wildfires Claim 24 Lives
The fatality count from the extensive wildfires devastating Los Angeles has increased to 24, as officials alert residents to the arrival of perilous winds that may further intensify the flames.
Dabka Los Angeles oo maalinkii 7aad galay iyo dhimashada oo 24 qof kor u dhaaftay
Jan 13 (Jowhar)-Kooxaha dab-damiska ayaa si dar dar leh Axaddii shalay ilaa xalay u sii waday la dagaallanka dab xoog leh oo muddo lix maalin oo xiriir ah ka socda qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Los Angeles, gobolka California ee dalka…
Urgent Efforts to Protect Animals Amid Los Angeles Wildfires
As wildfires blazed around Los Angeles, Janell Gruss had to act fast.Being the manager of a stable housing 25 horses and other animals, she realized the situation would be far more complex.
Demands for Lucy Letby’s Retrial Persist
The case sent shockwaves throughout the UK and beyond.Many were left baffled by how a young nurse could be responsible for the deaths of seven vulnerable infants and attempt to take the lives of seven others.
Cali Balcad;”Dalka Soomaaliya wax xuduud ah lama laha Badda Cas”
Jan 12 (Jowhar)-Wasiiru dowlaha Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibbada Soomaaliya Cali Cumar Cali “Balcad”ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya wax saameyn ah ku yeelanayn go’aanka ay dowlada Masar ee ah in dal aan xad la lahayn Badda Cas uusan saldhig milatari…
Axmed Macalin Fiqi oo kula kulmay Qaahir Dhiggiisa Masar Badr Abdel Atty
Jan 12 (Jowhar)-Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ee Soomaaliya Axmed Macallin Fiqi ayaa la kulmay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Masar Badr Abdel Atty, iyagoo ka wadahadlay horumarka iyo xasilloonida gobolka.
Croatia’s Populist President Poised for Re-Election Success
Croatians are participating in a presidential runoff where the populist incumbent, Zoran Milanovic, appears poised to secure a second term, which would be a significant setback for the scandal-plagued ruling party.
Irish Couple Shares Experience of Escaping Their LA Home During Palisades Fire
An Irish couple forced to evacuate their home in Los Angeles due to the Palisades Fire mentioned that a significant portion of their community has been devastated.