Xamse oo xilalka u kala wareejiyey wasiirada deeegaanka iyo qoyska
Jan 05 ( Jowhar) Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamse Cabdi Barre, ayaa si rasmi ah xilalka ugu kala wareejiyey Wasiirrada Wasaaradaha Deegaanka iyo Isbeddelka Cimilada iyo Qoyska iyo Horumarinta…
State Funeral for Jimmy Carter Begins, Lasting Six Days
Six days of funeral tributes for former US president Jimmy Carter are currently underway as a motorcade carrying his remains passed by flag-waving mourners and made its way to Plains, Georgia, for a final visit to his childhood home.
Aaska Meydadka askartii beesha Xawaadle ee lagu dilay Ceelbaraf oo ka socota Beledweyn
Jan 05 ( Jowhar) Waxaa magaalada Beledweyn ka socoto aas qaran oo halkaasi loogu sameynayo askartii beesha Xawaadle ee ka tirsanaa xoogga dalka, kuwaasoo dhamaadka bishii hore lagu laayay degmada Ceelbaraf ee gobolka Sh.dhexe.
Stepson of Former Royal Nanny Killed in New Orleans Attack
British authorities have identified one of the casualties from the New Year's Day incident in New Orleans as Edward Pettifer, whose stepmother previously served as a nanny to Prince William and Prince Harry.
Israel oo 15 Falastiiniyiin ah ku dishay magaalada Gaza
Jan 05 ( Jowhar) Saraakiisha isbitaallada Gaza ayaa sheegay in duqeymo ay Sabtidi shalay ciidamada Israel ku garaaceen Marinka Gaza, lagu dilay ugu yaraan 15 qof oo Falastiiniyiin ah.
South Korea Faces Political Turmoil as President Defies Arrest
South Korea's political leadership found itself in unfamiliar territory when the sitting president defied arrest following a failed martial law decree, just days before the warrant's expiration.
Poland Begins Its Term as President of the Council of the European Union
The Council of the European Union has officially commenced Poland's six-month presidency, marked by an evening performance from musicians of the Polish National Opera at Warsaw’s Grand Theatre.
US Law Enforcement Warns of Potential Copycat Truck Attacks
Concerns regarding potential copycat vehicle-ramming attacks have arisen among US law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the wake of a New Year's Day incident in New Orleans involving a US Army veteran, as reported in an intelligence…
US Set to Approve $8 Billion Arms Deal with Israel
The administration of President Joe Biden has informed Congress about a proposed arms sale to Israel valued at $8 billion (€7.7 billion), as reported by a U.S. official. Washington continues to support its ally amid the ongoing conflict in…
Political Turmoil in South Korea: A Month of Upheaval
South Korea has experienced a month of political unrest following President Yoon Suk Yeol's declaration of martial law, during which soldiers and helicopters were deployed to the parliament.