FBI: Driver in Deadly New Orleans Truck Attack Was Sole Perpetrator
A US Army veteran who crashed a truck into a crowd celebrating New Year's Day had declared allegiance to the so-called Islamic State group, but acted independently in the attack that resulted in at least 14 fatalities, according to the FBI.
Israel Targets Suburb in Gaza City, According to Palestinian Medics
The Israeli military has intensified its operations in northern Gaza, targeting a suburb of Gaza City, according to medics, and has urged residents in the central region to evacuate areas from which militants are launching rocket fire.
China Sees Hottest Year in Decades as 2024 Breaks Temperature Records
Data from Chinese meteorological sources indicates that 2024 was the warmest year for the country since record-keeping began over sixty years ago, marking the second consecutive year in which new temperature milestones were set.
Fireworks Accidents Claim Five Lives in Germany on New Year’s Eve
Five individuals lost their lives across Germany, and a police officer sustained serious injuries due to incidents associated with powerful fireworks that are traditionally ignited by Germans to welcome the new year, according to police…
Maxkamadda Ciidamadda oo soo saartay amar lagu soo qabanayo 14 qof oo loo heysto askartii lagu dilay…
Jan 02 ( Jowhar) Maxkamadda Ciidamadda Qalabka sida ayaa qaaday talaabadii u horeysay ee lagu soo qabanayo kooxda loo heysto iney ka danbeysay dilka askar kantirsanaa ciidanka xoogga dalka oo dhamaadka bishii hore si arxan darro ah loogu…
Golaha Wasiirrada oo ansixiyey magacaabista Guddoomiyaha Hey’adda Qaxootiga iyo Barakacayaasha
Jan 02 ( Jowhar) Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo yeeshay kulankoodii caadiga ahaa, ayaa ansixiyey soo jeedinta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka iyo Dib-u-heshiisiinta ee ku aaddan magacaabista…
Palestinian Authority Halts Al Jazeera Broadcasts
The Palestinian Authority has ordered the halting of broadcasts by Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based network, throughout the Palestinian territories, alleging that the channel is airing "inciting content," according to reports from official media.
Taliye Sanbaloolshe oo ku biiray shirka Odayada Beledweyn ee xalka loogu raadinayo xiisadii…
Jan 02 ( Jowhar) Taliyaha NISA C/llaahi Sanbaloolshe oo ka dagay magaalada Beledweyn ayaa ku biiray shirka Odayaasha dhanka ee ka socda magaalada, kaasoo xal loogu raadinayo xiisadii ka dhalatay askartii dhawaan lagu laayay deegaanka…
Casualties Increase to 15 in Truck-Ramming Incident in New Orleans
An American citizen, brandishing an Islamic State flag and "determined" to cause chaos, drove a pickup truck into a gathering of New Year celebrants in New Orleans. This tragic incident resulted in at least 15 fatalities and numerous…
Mareykanka oo weerar argagixiso ku tilmaamay 15-kii qof ee lagu toogtay New Orleans
Jan 02 ( Jowhar)Laanta Danbi-baarista Mareykanka ee loo soo gaabiyo FBI ayaa Arbacadi sheegtay, in weerarki habeenki sannadka cusub uu muwaadin Mareykan ah ku dilay ilaa 15 qof uu yahay weerar argagixiso.