Puntland oo sheegtay in 8 Ajaanib ah ay Daacish uga dishay dagaalkii saaka
Dec 31(Jowhar) Faah faahino dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa weerar khasaare culus dhaliyay oo saaka ciidamadda Puntland iyo Kooxda Daacish ku dhexmaray gobolka Bari.
Carruurta Qasa oo qabow dartii u dhimanaya
Dec 31 ( Jowhar) Wararka ka imaanaya Qasa ayaa sheegaya in carruurta halkaasi ku nool ay u dhiimanayaan qabow daran oo deegaannadaasi ka dhacaya.
Dagaal culus oo Puntland iyo Daacish ku dhexmarayo gobolka Bari iyo Ajaanib la dilay
Dec 31 ( Jowhar) Faahfaahin dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaysa khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaal culus oo dhexmaray ciidamada difaaca Puntland iyo kooxda Daacish.
Kazakhstan Plane Crash: Flight Records Pointing to Brazil Destination
Flight data for the Embraer aircraft, which crashed last week in Kazakhstan, is being sent to Brazil for data extraction, as per a statement from the Brazilian Air Force.
Germany to Extend Enhanced Border Controls Past March
Germany has announced plans to prolong intensified border controls past March 2025, amidst ongoing discussions regarding security and immigration in the wake of a fatal Christmas market attack and leading up to elections in February.
Ankara Declaration: How President Hassan Sheekh Cornered Abiy Ahmed Into Submission
President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has once again demonstrated why he is a formidable leader and ahead in the region’s diplomatic game. When Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland,
Red Cross Declares Health Care in Northern Gaza ‘Devastated’
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) stated on Monday that the healthcare system in northern Gaza has been "obliterated" due to the ongoing fighting in the region, rendering hospitals "completely inoperable".
South Korea Requests Arrest Warrant for Yoon in Connection with Martial Law
Investigators looking into South Korea's Yoon Suk Yeol regarding his brief declaration of martial law have announced their intention to secure an arrest warrant for the suspended president after he failed to show up for questioning.
South Korea to Review Airline Systems in Wake of Plane Crash
In response to the deadliest air disaster in South Korea's history, acting President Choi Sang-mok has ordered an immediate safety inspection of the nation's entire airline operational system while investigators strive to identify victims…
Wasiirka cusub ee Batroolka iyo Macdanta Soomaaliya oo maanta xilka la wareegay
Dec 30 ( Jowhar) Raiisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda DanQaran ay ansixisey heshiisyo iyo shuruuc lagu tayeynayo awoodda hey’addaha dowlada, gaar ahaan…