Hoggaamiyaha Syria oo sheegay in 4 sano ay qaadaneyso doorasho ka dhacda dalkaasi
Dec 30 ( Jowhar) Hogaamiyaha Syria ayaa Axaddii sheegay in muddo afar sano ah ay qaadan karto xilliga la qaban doono doorasho ka dhacdo Syria, isaga oo intaasi raaciyay in ay qorsheynayaan sidi loo kala diri lahaa kooxdiisa islaamiga ah ee…
Exit Poll Reveals Victory for Croatia’s President in Election
The outspoken President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, has emerged victorious in the first round of the country's election, securing over 50% of the votes, according to an exit poll.
Tánaiste Expresses Deep Concern Over Israeli Raid on Gaza’s Last Major Hospital
Tánaiste Micheál Martin expressed being "deeply concerned" regarding reports from the World Health Organization indicating that an assault by Israeli forces has rendered the last significant hospital in northern Gaza non-operational.
Belgium to Prohibit Sale of Disposable Vapes Starting January 1
Belgium will prohibit the sale of disposable electronic cigarettes starting 1 January due to health and environmental concerns.
Georgia’s New President Inaugurated Amidst Political Turmoil
Georgia has sworn in a loyalist of the ruling party as president amidst a political crisis, shortly after Tbilisi's outgoing pro-EU leader proclaimed herself the "only legitimate president".
Xasan Sheekh iyo Geelle oo ka wada hadlay xiisada gobolka
Dec 29 ( Jowhar) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa kulan kula qaatay Qasriga Madaxtooyada Jabuuti dhiggiisa dalkaas Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.
Fog Disrupts Air Travel in the UK, Causing Hundreds of Flight Delays
Air travelers in the UK have experienced further disruptions as fog has enveloped much of the country in recent days, resulting in grounded flights and complications with landings and take-offs.
Burundi oo diiday iney qeyb ka noqoto howlgalka cusub Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya
Dec 29 ( Jowhar) Dowladda Burundi ayaa markii ugu horaysay xaqiijisay in ay ka hartay howlgalka midowga Africa ee Soomaaliya ka dib “markii ay ku qanciwaysay tirada ciidanka loo qoondeeyay”
Video Emerges of New York Inmate Being Assaulted by Guards Prior to Death
Law enforcement officials in the state of New York have made public "devastating" footage depicting prison guards assaulting a black inmate shortly before his death.
Israel oo xirtay inkabadan 240 Falastiiniyiin ah
Dec 29 ( Jowhar) Ciidamada Israel ayaa la xaqiijiyay in ay xireen in ka badan 240 oo qof oo Falastiinyiin ah oo ay ku jiraan dhaqaatiirta, agaasimayaasha iyo howlwadeennada isbitaal ku yaalla waqooyiga Gaza, kaddib marki ay weerareen…