Pope Francis Calls for Bold Action to Improve the World
Pope Francis has expressed that the narrative of Jesus' birth as the son of a humble carpenter should inspire hope that every individual has the potential to make a difference in the world. This message resonated as the pontiff led the…
Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo booqasho ku tegey dalka Eritrea
Dec 25 ( Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa gaaray magaalada Asmara ee caasimadda dalka Eritrea, halkaas oo uu ku soo dhaweeyey dhigiisa Asias Afawerki.
Famine Expands Across Five Regions of Sudan, According to Hunger Monitor
The famine situation in Sudan has intensified to five regions and is anticipated to spread to five more by May, according to the global hunger monitor. This escalation occurs as ongoing conflict hampers essential humanitarian aid, worsening…
Eight Fatalities Reported in Israeli Airstrikes on West Bank Refugee Camps
The Palestinian health ministry has reported that a raid by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank has resulted in the deaths of eight individuals, including two women.
Zelensky Denounces ‘Inhumane’ Russian Attack on Energy Grid on Christmas Day
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has condemned an "inhumane" assault from Russia, which unleashed over 170 missiles and drones on his war-ravaged country’s power infrastructure on Christmas Day, resulting in one fatality and extensive…
Dad ku dhow 30 ruux oo ka badbaaday diyaarad ku burburtay Khazakhistan
Dec 25 ( Jowhar)-Ugu yaraan 29 qof ayaa ka badbaaday ka dib markii diyaarad u ku burburtay meel u dhow magaalada Kazakh ee Aktau, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo in rakaab kale ay ku dhinteen shilkan diyaaradeed.
Palestinian Security Presence Established Around Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity
Palestinian security forces have been stationed around the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem as the faithful prepare for another somber Christmas, clouded by the ongoing conflict in Gaza.
Wararkii u danbeeyay khasaaraha dagaal culus oo ka socda dowlad deegaanka Soomaalida
Dec 25 ( Jowhar) Dagaal xooggan ayaa saaka markale dib uga qarxay deegaanka Dacawaley ee degmada Xarshin ee dawlad deegaanka Soomaalida dalka Itoobiya. Dagaalkan ayaa u dhaxeeya Ciidanka Liyuu Booliska deegaanka iyo Shacabka Dacawaley.
Soomaalida Musambiig oo cabsi wejahaya kaddib rabshadaha dalkaas ka socda
Dec 25 ( Jowhar) Soomaalida ku nool dalka Musambiiq ayaa waxaa soo foodsaartay cabsi la xiriirta bedqabka naftooda iyo maalkooda, ka dib markii ay dalkaas ku faafeen rabshado ay dhigayaan taageereyaasha mucaaradka.
Man Charged in Deadly Subway Fire Incident Involving Woman in NYC
A 33-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the death of a woman who was set on fire on a subway train in New York City over the weekend.