Cali Balcad oo la kulmay Dhiggiisa dalka Ethiopia
Dec 24 ( Jowhar) -Wasiiru Dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Cali Maxamed Cumar ayaa maanta kulan laba geesood ah la yeeshay dhiggiisa Wasiiru Dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda ee…
Lebanese Prime Minister and UN Peacekeepers Urge Swift Israeli Withdrawal
Peacekeepers from the United Nations and Lebanon's prime minister have urged the Israeli army to expedite its withdrawal from Lebanon as a fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah approaches a month.
Itoobiya oo beenisay in ciidankooda ay ka qeyb qaateen dagaalkii magaalada Doolow
Dec 24 ( Jowhar) Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa beenisay eeda DF Soomaaliya ee ah in ay ciidanka Itoobiya ka qeyb noqdeen dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay magaalada Doolow ee gobalka Gedo.
Macron Unveils France’s Fourth Government Within a Year
French President Emmanuel Macron has appointed a new government, assembling a team under François Bayrou, marking his fourth prime minister of the year, in an effort to navigate the second-largest EU economy out of its political turmoil.
NISA oo gacanta kusoo dhigtay askari Dhuusa-mareeb ku dilay Sarkaal boolis ah
Dec 24 ( Jowhar) Ciidamada Nabad sugida Qaranka ayaa goordhow gacanta kusoo dhigay eedeysane lagu tuhunsan yahay inuu xalay dilay Alle ha u naxariistee Labo Xidigle Xasan Quuri, oo ahaa sarkaal ka tirsan booliska Galmudug.
Germany Investigates Potential Security Breaches Following Christmas Market Attack
Germany continues its search for explanations regarding potential security shortcomings after an individual drove his vehicle into a Christmas market, resulting in at least five fatalities and intensifying scrutiny on security and…
Trial for Suspect in Another Trump Assassination Attempt Postponed
A U.S. judge has postponed the trial for the individual accused in the second assassination attempt on President-elect Donald Trump until September 2025, as stated in a court order.
Sarkaal boolis ah oo lagu dilay magaalada Dhuusa-mareeb
Dec 24 ( Jowhar) Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa dil magaalada Dhuusa-mareeb liigu geystay Hassan Quuri oo ahaa Labo xidigle ka tirsan Booliska Galmudug, xiliyo kala duwanna soo noqday Taliye Kuxigeenka Booliiska Degmooyinka…
Netanyahu Reports to Israeli Parliament on ‘Some Progress’ in Gaza Hostage Negotiations
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed lawmakers that "some progress" has occurred in the negotiations to secure the release of hostages held in Gaza.
The proliferation of exclusive clan politics (based mini state)
Somalia had been made the country of clan- based politics. The clan in Somalia became political parties in the modern world. Some of bellicose clan chiefs believe that everything must be based on clan, socially, economically, culturally and…