Italian Caver Rescued After Four Days Trapped Underground, Again
A rescue team announced that they successfully retrieved an injured Italian caver who had been trapped underground for four days—marking the second time the woman has been carried out of the same cave.
Increased Assistance Required as Over 12 Million Displaced Due to Sudan’s Civil War
Humanitarian organizations report that Sudan is experiencing the most severe humanitarian disaster in recent history, yet the plight of this northeastern African nation remains largely unrecognized by the global community.
Xamsa “Waxaan rabnaa in xoogga la saaro sidii Baasaboorkeennu ula tartami lahaa kuwa Caalamka”
Dec 18 ( Jowhar)Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa sheegay in Hey’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda looga fadhiyo sidii Baasaboorka Soomaaliga uu u noqon lahaa mid la tartama…
Father and Stepmother of Murdered UK-Pakistani Girl Sentenced to Life in Prison
The father and stepmother of a ten-year-old British-Pakistani girl have received life sentences following years of horrifying "torture" and "despicable" abuse that ultimately led to her murder.
Ruushka oo gacanta ku dhigay nin looga shakiyay dilka janaraalkii ilaaladaa nukliyeerka
Dec 18 ( Jowhar) Laamaha amniga dalka Ruushka ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta ku dhigtay nin u dhashay dalka Uzbekistan , kaas oo looga shakisanyahay inuu ka dambeeyay dilki janaraalkii saree e ciidamada ilaaladaa hubka nukliyeerka Ruushka,…
Dowladda oo ka qeyb gashay shir wasiiro ka tirsan Jaamacadda Carabta ay ku yeesheen dalka Algeria
Dec 18 ( Jowhar)Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Howla guud dib u dhiska iyo Guriyeynta ee XFS Xildhibaan Siciid Maxamed Maxamuud (Xayd) ayaa ka qeyb galay shirka Wasiirada Howla guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta oo lagu qabtay dalka Algeria.
Pro-EU Georgian Leader: Sanctions Would Create ‘Pressure’
The head of one of Georgia's primary opposition groups, the United National Movement (UNM), has stated that targeted sanctions from the European Union would "create significant pressure" on Georgian state institutions involved in the…
Xogta cida ka danbeysay dilka Madixii ciidanka Nukliyeerka Ruushka
Dec 18 ( Jowhar) Jeneraal sare oo Ruush ah ayaa Talaadadii lagu dilay bam lagu qariyay mooto, meel bannaanka ka ah dhismihii uu ka degganaa magaalada Moscow, maalin ka dib markii guddiga ammaanka ee Ukraine uu ku soo oogay dacwad…
Hamas Describes Gaza Ceasefire Negotiations as ‘Serious and Encouraging’
Hamas announced that discussions in Qatar concerning a potential truce and the exchange of hostages and prisoners in Gaza were "serious and positive," following the arrival of an Israeli delegation in Doha to engage with mediators.
Ukraine Takes Responsibility for Assassination of Russian Military Official in Moscow
A prominent Russian general accused by Ukraine of orchestrating the use of chemical weapons against Ukrainian forces has been killed in Moscow by Ukraine's SBU intelligence agency, marking a significant assassination.