Irish Ex-Rugby Player Convicted of Rape in France

Denis Coulson, a former Irish U20 prop, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison after being convicted of raping a woman in Bordeaux in 2017.Coulson was among three ex-FC Grenoble rugby players charged with the gang rape of a 20-year-old…

Maxkamadda Mareykanka ayaa diiday codsigii TikTok

Dec 14 (Jowhar)-Maxkamad rafcaan oo Mareykan ah ayaa diiday codsiga deg-degga ah ee TikTok ee ah in si ku meel gaar ah loo hakiyo sharciga faraya shirkaddeeda waalid ee Shiinaha, ByteDance, in ay leexiso app-ka-gaaban marka la gaaro Janaayo…

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