Nationwide Demonstrations Erupt in Syria to Mark the Fall of Assad
Thousands of ecstatic individuals gathered in central Damascus and various cities across Syria to rejoice during the inaugural Friday prayers since the removal of President Bashar al-Assad.
Golaha wasiirada Soomaaliya oo xalay kulan deg deg ahaa isugu yimid
Dec 16 ( Jowhar) Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo xalay yeeshay kulan gaar ah, oo uu guddoominayey Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka dalka, Mudane Saalax Axmed Jaamac, ayaa lagu soo bandhigay qaar kamid ah…
At least 18 casualties reported in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza
According to medics, at least 18 Palestinians lost their lives in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, while the Israeli military stated it aimed at gunmen operating from shelters and aid storage facilities.
US Establishes ‘Direct Communication’ with Syria’s HTS – Blinken
Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the United States has made "direct contact" with Syria's Hayat Tahrir al-Sham rebels, despite the group's designation as a terrorist organization. He emphasized the need for international…
Georgia Elects New President with Strong Anti-Western Stance
Georgia's ruling party has appointed a far-right former football player as president through a controversial electoral process, amidst a growing constitutional crisis and weeks of mass pro-EU protests.
Expanding Electoral Participation in Somalia
Expanding Electoral Participation in Somalia: A Pathway to Inclusive Democracy through Increased Voter Representation"Current Challenges of Indirect Elections in Somalia:
Irish Ex-Rugby Player Convicted of Rape in France
Denis Coulson, a former Irish U20 prop, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison after being convicted of raping a woman in Bordeaux in 2017.Coulson was among three ex-FC Grenoble rugby players charged with the gang rape of a 20-year-old…
Ra’iisul wasaare Xamze oo digniin adag kasoo saaray lacagaha lasiiyo Shabaab
Dec 15 ( Jowhar)Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamze Cabdi Barre, ayaa sheegay in lacagta la siiyo argagixisada ay khatar ku tahay, diinta, amniga, bulshada iyo dowladnimada, isla markaana lagu…
Madaxweynaha Mamulka Somaliland oo shaaciyay golihiisa wasiirada cusub
Dec 15 ( Jowhar)Madaxweynaha mamulka Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Cirro ayaa soo magacaabay Liiska golihiisa wasiirada cusub oo isugu jira wasiiro, kuxigeeno iyo wasiiru dowlaya.
Maxkamadda Mareykanka ayaa diiday codsigii TikTok
Dec 14 (Jowhar)-Maxkamad rafcaan oo Mareykan ah ayaa diiday codsiga deg-degga ah ee TikTok ee ah in si ku meel gaar ah loo hakiyo sharciga faraya shirkaddeeda waalid ee Shiinaha, ByteDance, in ay leexiso app-ka-gaaban marka la gaaro Janaayo…