Mareykanka oo soo dhaweeyay heshiiska Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ee muranka Badda
Dec 15 ( Jowhar)Mareykanka ayaa sheegay inuu soo dhaweynayo heshiiska ay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ku gaareen in lagu soo afjaro xiisadda gobolka ee ka dhalatay isku dayga ay Addis Ababa ku dooneyso inay marin u hesho badda.
Trump Selected as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year
Time Magazine has recognized US president-elect Donald Trump as its "Person of the Year" for the second time.He previously received this title from Time in 2016 when he won the US Presidential election for the first time.
Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegtay in 1.1 Milyan oo ku cusub dalka Suuriya ay ku barakaceen
Dec 13 (Jowhar)-Sida laga soo xigtay hay'adda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan bini'aadantinimada, in ka badan hal milyan oo qof, oo ay ugu horreeyaan haween iyo carruur, ayaa ku barakacay Suuriya tan iyo markii fallaagada ay bilaabeen…
Diyaaradaha Israel oo dilay in ka badan 58 reer Gaza ah
Dec 13 (Jowhar)-Hay’adda difaaca madaniga ah ee Qaza ayaa ku warantay in duqeymo is xigxigay oo ay fuliyeen diyaaradaha Israel ay galaaftay nolosha ugu yaraan 58 qof oo ay ku jiraan 12 ilaalo ah oo ilaalinayay baabuurta gargaarka.…
Gaza Rescuers Report 58 Killed by Israeli Airstrikes Targeting Flour Trucks
Gaza's civil defense agency has reported that a series of Israeli airstrikes have claimed the lives of at least 58 individuals, including 12 guards who were securing aid trucks. The military asserts that its operations were aimed at…
Statement on the Ankora Agreement
After reading the statement on the Ankora Agreement, I was able to identify the following key points bygathering additional information from stakeholders directly involved in the matter:.
Moldova Implements State of Emergency Amid Threat of Russian Gas Supply Disruption
The parliament of Moldova has enacted a national state of emergency for 60 days, commencing on 16 December, in anticipation of a halt in Russian gas supplies starting 1 January.
Ukraine Confronts ‘Significant’ Russian Assault on Energy Infrastructure, According to…
Ukraine has reported that it is resisting a fresh missile assault on its energy infrastructure, marking the latest phase of Russia's ongoing campaign against the war-ravaged nation's power grid amidst the winter months.
UN Reports 1.1 Million Newly Displaced in Syria Following Offensive that Overthrew Assad
According to the United Nations humanitarian agency, over one million individuals, primarily women and children, have been newly displaced in Syria since rebels launched an offensive to remove President Bashar al-Assad.
"As of December 12,…
US Declares Initial Israeli Troop Withdrawal from Lebanon
Israeli forces have executed an initial withdrawal from a town in southern Lebanon, which was subsequently taken over by the Lebanese military under a ceasefire agreement, according to the US Central Command (CENTCOM).