Malibu Wildfire Evacuates 6,300 Residents
Firefighters are working diligently to control a wildfire in the coastal community of Malibu, California, where 6,300 residents have evacuated their homes as schools and businesses closed their doors.
Lula of Brazil on the Mend After ‘Successful’ Second Surgery
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has undergone a second procedure following his emergency brain surgery earlier this week, according to his doctor, who reported that the operation was successful."The president is awake and…
Syrian Government Commits to Establishing ‘Rule of Law’ Following Assad’s Ouster
The interim government of Syria has pledged to establish the "rule of law" following years of abuses under the ousted president Bashar al-Assad, while the United States cautioned against any actions that might reignite conflict.
SORDI’s Participation in the SMA Scientific Conference
On 5 th Dec 2024, the Somali Research and Development Institute (SORDI) participated in the first scientific conference of the Somali Medical Association, a landmark event for the Somali medical community. At the conference, SORDI presented…
UN General Assembly Urges Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza
The United Nations General Assembly has decisively voted to call for an immediate, unconditional, and permanent ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas in Gaza, along with the prompt release of all hostages.
Gabar 11 Jir Ah Oo La Badbaadiyay Kadib Markii Doon Muhaajiriin Ah Ay Ku Degtay Meel U Dhow…
Hay'adda Samafalka ee Jarmalka Compass Collective ayaa sheegtay in shaqaalaheedu ay ku sii jeedeen si ay wax uga qabtaan xaalad kale oo degdeg ah markii ay maqleen qaylo dhaanta biyaha. Waxay heleen gabadha abaaro 3-dii aroornimo, iyadoo…
11-Year-Old Girl Saved After Migrant Boat Capsizes Near Italy
The German charity Compass Collective reported that its crew was en route to address another emergency when they heard cries for help from the water. They discovered the girl around 3am, wearing a life jacket and clinging to two tire tubes.
Mustaf Dhuxuloow oo loo magacaabay Agaasimaha Hey’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda
Dec 13 ( Jowhar) Golaha Wasiirada XFS ayaa goordhow ansixiyay magacaabidda Agaasimaha Hey’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda oo loo magacaabay Mustaf Sheikh Cali Dhuxulow.
Zelensky Rebukes Orban for Discussing Ukraine with Putin in Phone Call
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has taken aim at Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for his decision to discuss Ukraine during a phone call with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
Nuxurka heshiiska Xasan Sheekh iyo Abiye ee wadahadaladii Turkiga
Dec 13 ( Jowhar) War-murtiyeedka laga soo saaray Wada hadalada Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ee Turkiga garwadeen ka ahaa ayaa waxaa la isku raacay in labada dal ay ka gudbaan waxyaabihii dhaliyay khilaafaadka (Taas oo macnaheedu yahay MOU)