Rupert Murdoch’s Attempt to Alter Family Trust Falls Short, According to NYT
Rupert Murdoch has failed in his attempt to modify his family trust in order to centralize control of his media empire with his son, Lachlan, according to a report by the New York Times that referenced a sealed court document.
An Overview of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Corruption Trial
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is taking the stand for the first time in his lengthy corruption trial.Here’s what you should know regarding the charges that have polarized the Israeli public amidst ongoing turmoil in the Middle…
EU Emphasizes Compliance with Rules for Syrian Asylum Requests
The European Commission has stated that the choice to return Syrian refugees and asylum seekers lies with individual member states. However, according to EU law, the return processes must rely on personal assessments of asylum applications.
Lula of Brazil on the Mend Following Brain Surgery
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was transported to Sao Paulo overnight for urgent surgery aimed at draining a brain bleed that resulted from a fall in October, according to a medical note released by the government.
Syrian Security Reports Presence of Israeli Troops Near Damascus
According to Syrian security sources, an Israeli military incursion into Syria has advanced approximately 25km southwest of Damascus. This follows Israel's establishment of a buffer zone in southern Syria and air strikes on Syrian army…
Madaxweyne Xasan oo xilkii ka qaaday Gudoomiye Madaale, mid cusubna magacaabay
Dec 11 ( Jowhar) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir iyo Duqa Caasimadda Muqdisho u magacaabay Mudane Maxamed Axmed Amiir oo ah aqoonyhan ka soo shaqeeyay…
Ra’iisul wasaare Xamze oo la kulmay Danjiraha UK Soomaaliya
Dec 11 ( Jowhar)Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamze Cabdi Barre, ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Danjiraha UK Soomaaliya, Michael Nithavrianakis, oo ay ka wada hadleen iskaashiga iyo danaha guud ee…
Raysal Wasaaraha Israa’iil oo maxkamad la soo taagayo maanta iyo faahfaahin ka soo baxaysa
Dec 11 ( Jowhar)Raysal wasaaraha Israa’iil Benjamin Netanyahu ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta maxkamad uu tago isla markaana uu caddeeyo eedeymo musuqmaasuq oo loo haysto in ay jiraan iyo in kale.
Colin Farrell and Andrew Scott Lead the List of Golden Globe Nominees
Colin Farrell (The Penguin) and Andrew Scott (Ripley) have been nominated for the Golden Globe Awards in the United States.Both are contenders in the category of Best Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture - Television.Watch: RTÉ News'…
Travel Ban Imposed on South Korea’s Yoon Due to Unsuccessful Martial Law Initiative
The South Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol, has been prohibited from traveling abroad following a failed attempt to enact martial law, as stated by an official from the justice ministry. This has occurred amidst mounting demands for his…