Ruushka oo Magangalyo Siyaasadeed siiyay Bashar al-Assad
Dec 08 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynihii hore ee Suuriya Bashar al-Assad iyo qoyskiisa ayaa gaaray magaalada Moscow caasimada dalka Ruushka,kadib markii ay ka carareen caasimada dalkooda ee Dimishiq.
Syrian Rebels’ Rapid Assault: Damascus Falls in Just 11 Days
Rebels affiliated with Islamist factions have proclaimed the termination of President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria, asserting that they have overthrown him as they advanced into Damascus, forcing him to flee.
Assad Escapes as Syrian Rebels Capture Damascus
Dec 08 (Jowhar)- In a shocking turn of events, Syrian rebels have captured the capital city of Damascus, leading to the escape of President Bashar al-Assad. The rebel forces, made up of various opposition groups, have been fighting against…
RW Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre.
Dec 08 ( Jowhar)-Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamsa ayaa maanta daahfuray Istaraatiijiyadda Bahda Caddaaladda Soomaaliya ee 2025-2029 oo halku-dheggeedu yahay "Dhismaha Nidaam Caddaaladdeed oo Loo Simanyahay, lehna Daahfurnaan, Helitaan, iyo isla…
US Healthcare: Discrepancies Between Investment and Outcomes
The assassination of Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, in New York this week has left the nation in shock.This tragic event has sparked widespread outrage among Americans regarding their nation's healthcare system.Washington…
Xildhibaan Xasan Firinbi iyo mudanayaal kale oo ganaxyo culus lagu riday
Dec 08 ( Jowhar) Warqad kasoo baxday xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Sheekh Aadan Maxamed Nuur (Madoobe) ayaa lagu sheegay in laba bilood oo xiriir ah laga joojiyay…
Wasiirka Amniga Jubaland oo beeniyay in ciidankii ku sugnaa Beledxaawo ay isku dhiibeen DFS
Dec 08 ( Jowhar) Wasiirka amniga gudaha Jubbaland sareeye Gaas Yusuf Xuseen Cismaan Dhumaal ayaa beeniyay warar saacadihii lasoo dhaafay lagu baahinayay baraha bulshada kaas oo ahaa in Ciidamo Jubaland ka tirsan oo ku sugnaa Dagmada…
Mucaaradka Syria oo sheegay iney Bishar Al Asad ka xoreeyeen guud ahaan dalkaasi
Dec 08 ( Jowhar) Mucaaridka Hubaysan ee Syria ayaa saaka oo Axad ah sheegey, in ay Syria ka xoreeyeen Bashar Al Asad oo dalkaasi soo xakumayay nus-qarni; kaddib marki ay gudaha u galeen magaalada caasimadda ah ee Dimishiq.
Syrian Army Command Informs Officers: Assad’s Reign is Over
A Syrian officer informed Reuters that Syria's army command has notified its officers of the conclusion of President Bashar al-Assad's rule following a swift rebel offensive.Syrian rebels proclaimed that Damascus was "now free of Assad" and…
Romanian Pro-EU President Remains in Office Following Election Cancellation
Romania's pro-European Union President Klaus Iohannis announced that he would remain in his position until a new president can be elected, following the country's highest court's decision to cancel the presidential vote just two days prior…