EU-Mercosur: Significant Trade Agreement, But What Are the Consequences?
The EU-Mercosur trade agreement has emerged at a time of heightened tension in European politics.Amidst his political challenges this week, President Emmanuel Macron publicly declared that the deal, in its current form, is "unacceptable".
Xildhibaan Xasan Firinbi oo raali gelin siiyay askari uu ugu gacan qaaday xarunta baarlamaanka
Dec 07(Jowhar) Xildhibaan Xasan Firinbi ayaa raalli gelin siiyay Xuseen Maxamed Xasan oo ka mid ahaa Askarta Ilaalada Xarunta Golaha Shacabka, kaddib madkii uu gacan qaad u geystay.
Iran poised to significantly raise its stockpile of near weapons-grade uranium
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has cautioned that Iran is set to "significantly" augment its reserve of near weapons-grade uranium.Rafael Grossi made these remarks during the International Institute of Strategic…
Syrian Rebels Gain Ground, Challenging Assad’s Authority as Iran Ramps Up Support
Syrian rebel forces have made significant strides towards the central city of Homs, while Kurdish fighters have effectively taken control of the eastern desert, shaking President Bashar al-Assad's hold on power and sparking local uprisings…
Mucaaradka oo qabsaday inta badan gobolka koonfurta Suuriya ee muhiimka ah
Dec 07 ( Jowhar) Xoogaga jabhadda ee koonfurta Suuriya ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay qabsadeen inta badan gobolka Deraa – oo ah halkii uu ka dhashay kacdoonkii looga soo horjeeday madaxweyne Bashaar Al-asad 2011-kii.
EU Celebrates Mercosur Trade Agreement as a ‘Mutually Beneficial Deal’
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has celebrated the Mercosur trade agreement as a "win-win deal."Earlier, the European Union and South American nations finalized a free trade treaty.
EU supports Somalia to improve its maritime safety capability and its response to emergencies at sea
The Federal Government of Somalia, inaugurated the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) at the Somali Police Force’s Department of Coast Guard headquarters in Mogadishu Port.
South Korea’s Yoon Stays in Office Ahead of Impeachment Vote
President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea issued an apology this week for his attempt to instate martial law, yet he refrained from resigning, standing firm against mounting pressure to step down, even from certain members of his own ruling…
Mucaaradka Suuriya ayaa qabsaday magaalada istiraatiijiga ah ee Hama
Dec 07 (Jowhar)-Fallaagada Suuriya ayaa la wareegtay gacan ku haynta magaalada Xama, taasoo muujinaysa guul la taaban karo oo ay ka soo hooyeen weerarro degdeg ah oo todobaadkii la soo dhaafay ka dhacay waqooyiga Suuriya, iyagoo dharbaaxo…
Syrian Rebels Seize Strategic City of Hama, Dealing Another Setback to Assad
Syrian rebels have taken control of Hama, marking a significant victory in a rapid offensive that has unfolded over the past week across northern Syria, delivering a severe blow to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad along with his Russian and…