Haweyney Talyaani ah oo loo xidhay Ururada Mafiyada ee lagu eedeeyay
Dec 06 ( Jowhar)-Booliska Talyaaniga ayaa gacanta ku dhigay naag caan ku ah shaqada ay ka qabato xabsiyada, iyadoo ay weheliso 24 kale, taasoo qayb ka ah baaritaanka lagu hayo 'maafiyada Ndrangheta. maafiyada oo u dhaqma sidii…
Dowladda Soomaaliya oo joojisay diyaaradihii aadi jiray gobolada dalka
Dec 06 ( Jowhar)Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa manata joojisay duulimaadyadii aadi jiray gobokada dalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo garoonka Aden Cadde ay buux dhaafiyeen boqolaal shacab ah oo gobolada dalka u safri lahaa.
Potential Candidates for France’s Next Prime Minister
French President Emmanuel Macron is deliberating on who to appoint as prime minister following Michel Barnier's official resignation, which occurred a day after opposition politicians voted to remove his government.Here are some potential…
Italian Nun Detained for Alleged Mafia Associations
Italian law enforcement has apprehended a nun renowned for her work in prisons, along with 24 others, as part of an investigation into the 'Ndrangheta mafia.According to sources, Sister Anna Donelli, a volunteer at Milan's San Vittore…
Scores Killed in Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza, According to Medics
The Israeli military reported the deaths of at least 39 Palestinians due to overnight strikes across Gaza, as per medics, with 20 people killed in one attack that ignited tents housing displaced families in a congested camp.
Powerful Earthquake Off California Coast, Tsunami Warning Lifted
A magnitude 7 earthquake has struck off the northern coast of California, leading to a tsunami warning that was subsequently lifted for a significant area along the California and Oregon coasts, as reported by officials.
Booliiska New York oo raadinaya tuhmane laga shakisan yahay dilka fulinta UnitedHealth
Dec 05 ( Jowhar)-Booliiska New York ayaa sii wada in ay ugaarsadaan shaqsigii mas’uulka ka ahaa dilka madaxa fulinta UnitedHealth Brian Thompson, kaas oo si naxariis darro ah loogu weeraray banaanka hotel Midtown Manhattan ka hor inta uusan…
New York Police Seek Suspect in Murder of UnitedHealth Executive
New York police continue to hunt for the individual responsible for the assassination of UnitedHealth executive Brian Thompson, who was brutally attacked outside a Midtown Manhattan hotel before fleeing into Central Park.
Michel Barnier: France’s Prime Minister with the Briefest Tenure
Former Prime Minister Michel Barnier, who was removed from office in a historic no-confidence vote, has become known for his remarkable calmness throughout his fifty years in politics, but he will be remembered as the shortest-serving PM in…
Barnier to Submit Resignation at Elysee Palace
French Prime Minister Michel Barnier has arrived at the Elysee Palace, where he is anticipated to resign following a vote by far-right and leftist politicians to dismantle his government, marking France's second significant political crisis…