Kudhowaad 150 qof oo ku geeriyootay isbuurasho ka dhacday dalka Guinea
Dec 04 (Jowhar) Urur maxalli ah oo ka shaqeeya arrimaha xuquuqda aadanaha ayaa sheegay, in ilaa 135 qof ay ku dhinteen kaddib marki ay dumeen darbiyada garoon kubadda cagta ah oo ku yaalla dhinaca koofurbari ee dalka Guinea Axadii.
Wolves to be Deregulated from ‘Strictly Protected’ Status in Europe
Starting in 2025, wolves across Europe will experience reduced protections from hunting as a majority of European nations have agreed to a proposal that lowers their conservation status due to their increasing population and the impact they…
French Government Faces Crisis Over Budget Instability
France is experiencing a pivotal moment, according to Finance Minister Antoine Armand, due to uncertainty surrounding the national budget and the government's future.
Troops Pull Out as Yoon Rescinds Martial Law in South Korea
President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea has announced his intention to revoke a martial law declaration he issued mere hours earlier, in response to a parliamentary vote against the measure.Initially, Mr. Yoon imposed martial law to counter…
Wasaaradda Gaadiidka oo ku dhawaaqay amarro lagu hagaajinayo nidaamka Gaadiidka
Dec 03 ( Jowhar) Shir jaraa’id oo ay si wadajir ah u qabteen Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Iyo Duulista Hawada Soomaaliya Mudane Bashir Moallim Ali Hassan iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka ilaalada Nabadgalyada Waddooyinka Gaashaanle Dhexe…
Kuuriyada Koofureed oo xukun Milatari lagu soo rogay
Dec 03 (Jowhar)-Madaxweynaha Kuuriyada Koonfureed, Yoon Suk Yeol, ayaa si lama filaan ah ugu dhawaaqay xukun militeri oo degdeg ah. Wuxuu ku eedeeyay xisbiga mucaaradka dalka ugu weyn in uu curyaamiyay dowladda ayna taageersan yihiin…
UN Chief Advocates for Plastic Pollution Discussions Following Breakdown
The head of the UN Environment Programme asserted that discussions surrounding a pivotal plastic pollution treaty were not unsuccessful, emphasizing that significant advancements were achieved even though negotiations ended without a…
Israel waxay uga digtay Lubnaan: Ilaalin ma jirto haddii xabbad-joojin ay fashilanto
Dec 03 (Jowhar)-Wasiirka Difaaca Israel, Israel Katz, ayaa soo saaray digniin ah in haddii xabbad joojintii la sameeyay todobaadkii hore ay fashilanto, ay Israel “sii geli doonto” gudaha Lubnaan oo aanay kala saari doonin ciidamada Lubnaan…
Israel Warns Lebanon: No Protection if Ceasefire Fails
Israel's Defence Minister, Israel Katz, has issued a warning that if the ceasefire established last week fails, Israel will "penetrate deeper" into Lebanon and will no longer distinguish between the Lebanese military and Hezbollah.
Scholz Unveils €650 Million Military Support for Ukraine During Kyiv Trip
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a surprise visit to Kyiv, pledging that Germany would remain Ukraine's foremost supporter in Europe and promising the delivery of military aid worth €650 million this month.